NYU Classes Meets Zoom

Tips & Tricks

You didn't think we'd leave you hanging with all these NYU Classes resources without mentioning NYU Zoom, the platform we use for synchronous (live, online) meetings...right?

Watch this space for just in time teaching videos featuring our favorite Zoom tips & tricks. For official and robust documentation, head over to the NYU Website: NYU Zoom.

Pulse checks for participant engagement

How can you tell whether your students are engaged in your NYU Zoom meeting if they aren't on camera (or if you can't see all of them at once)? Using "non-verbal feedback" icons to run quick pulse check activities is one strategy. Watch this video to learn how!

PowerPoint as Virtual Background

Ever wanted to be in your slides as you're presenting in Zoom? With the beta feature available in the latest Zoom update, now you can! The recording of your video won't look like this (you'll see your slides and a separate video capturing your webcam) but this can be really fun to do when presenting in a meeting to current participants. Learn more on Zoom's website.

After Class: Cloud Recording and Attendance Reports

What happens after your NYU Classes Zoom meetings are over? Watch this video to get a snapshot of what a cloud recording looks like, and how to access attendance reports for previous meetings.