NYU Classes: The Gradebook and assessments

Gradebook Overview

Our best practice recommendations for using the Gradebook rely on using “categories and weighting” to give you an organizational structure (and math help) for all assignments, quizzes, etc. Watch this Gradebook tutorial video to learn how to use the “settings” options within the Gradebook.

Assignments Overview

Create assignments to enable students to submit their work (e.g. written essays or other file uploads) online. Watch the Assignments tutorial video to see how it's done.

Pro Tip: Create Assignments, then add links in Lessons

You can create assignments directly through the Lessons tool, using the “tool content” option to link to a forum or topic. However, it may be easier to start in Assignments for this tool. Once you’ve created all assignments (or at least one), use the Lessons tool to add a link to that assignment at the designated space in your Lessons page.

What Else Can I put INto The Gradebook?

You'll notice this page and the supplementary checklist only talk about the Assignments tool. It is certainly possible to add Tests & Quizzes and grade-able things from other tools into the Gradebook. If we tried to explain everything, we'd be here all day. So instead, please review the Remote Assessment Methods and Practices website. Remember, your school-based technology teams and the Digital Studio are here to help!