NYU Classes Training Resources

Digital Studio, NYU Bobst Library

Hi There! We're glad you're here.

This site is a labor of love, created by the Instructional Technology Services team in Teaching and Learning with Technology. We provide consultations and training (as outlined on our website) and...well, as you can imagine, there's a whole lot of training and consultations taking place to help faculty and staff prepare for teaching in the current remote context.

We know your time, brain power, and attention spans are limited. And that's why we created this site — to go beyond live webinars (although you'll find our schedule of upcoming events and recordings here, and we love to see join join when you can!) and equip you with some short, just-in-time video tutorials, tips, and how-to guides.

Take some time to explore the site and let us know how we can improve by filling out the feedback form below. And thanks for visiting this little corner of the internet!

Instructor Introduction

Hi! I'm Clea Mahoney, NYU Classes Instructional Technology Specialist and Training Lead. Notice that my intro is not a perfectly-polished, high-production video. It's a simple, short, sweet, webcam recording. I encourage you to make a similar video in which you introduce yourself to your students. They want to see you, not a Hollywood superstar (I promise).

For folks who are fearful of being on camera, please schedule a consultation with our team and we'll help you overcome that fear. Or maybe we'll help you learn to ignore it just enough so that you can make some awesome educational content for your students, while still being camera-shy. That's perfectly fine.

Where do I go next?

If you're looking at this website from a computer browser, you may need to expand the site navigation menu to see everything we offer here. Click the little icon at the top left corner. Certain areas, such as the NYU Classes Course Site Design page, have their own collapsible menu so you can access more pages about NYU Classes through there. Still confused? Fill out the feedback form below if you'd like us to make a short video.

Ultimately, where you go next is up to you. Remember that developing online teaching skills is a marathon, not a spring. Pace yourself accordingly, and when you get stuck, remember that we are here to support you!