
This assignment was super fun! I love playing around with the color and the intensity of photos. With this assignment being black and white it was cool how to see bright or dull colors can change but still keep an interesting photo.

The photo above was one of my favorites because its kind of a boring picture (on the left) and once it turns black and white you can see certain objects pop out! For example, the roofs and the clouds pop out and become more visible once the picture turns black and white. Its really interesting.

This is also one of my top three picks because the colored picture of the side walk is kinda boring. But if you look at the colored picture you can see the light blue graffiti but then if you look at the B&W picture that blue writing completely disappears. I have learned that, that is the fun of black and white editing. It can make you see thing that you haven't seen or bring out things that you could't see before. The writing also got more vivid in the B&W picture and it really stands out.

This picture has to be my top favorite of this assignment! i played around with the light and the intensity because i noticed the bright lighting coming out of the trees. I also really liked how the sky fades from dark to light (right), it really makes the bright white color between the tree leaves stand out. That is really the main focal point of the picture because that is the first thing your eyes go to.