Recent Ceasefire Between Israel and Hamas and What it Means for Them

Tasnim Seif, 10th Grade

After 11 days of violence and destruction, Israel and Hamas announced a ceasefire that took effect on Thursday, May 20th. The violence began when Israeli police raided the Al-Aqsa mosque, an area they are prohibited from entering, during Ramadan. Ramadan is the holiest month for Muslims where they spend their days worshipping God by fasting, praying and paying charity in order to strengthen and build their faith. While worshippers were spending time at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the Israeli police forces raided the mosque and clashed with protesters. In response to this, Hamas sent a warning to the Israeli government to immediately retreat from the sacred grounds. Upon being ignored, rockets were fired into Israel. The explanation for the rocketfire was that they fired them in response to Israel’s “crimes and aggression in the Holy City, and its harassment of our people in Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa Mosque.” The response from Israel was to launch an airstrike mission on Gaza, an already weak city with an even weaker infrastructure. The ceasefire between Hamas and Israel was mediated by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.

There is a long history between Israel and Hamas, but the relationship between Israel and the State of Palestine dates back long before the establishment of Hamas. Since Israel was officially recognized in 1948, it has been closing in on Palestinian territory leaving many to call them out for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Hamas is a Palestinian militant and nationalist organization that rules the Gaza Strip. It was founded in 1987 with the declared objectives of liberating Palestine from the ongoing Israeli occupation of the state. Hamas is also recognized by many as a terrorist organization. Both Palestinians and Israelis claim Jerusalem as their capital city. Palestinians are fighting for their land back while Israelis insist it is their birthright as a Jewish state. Many Jews around the world condemn the Israeli government for their war crimes and are actively supporting the plea of the Palestinians.

The death tolls reached record highs in the Gaza Strip. In total, 254 people were killed, including 66 children and 39 women, and 2,000 people were wounded. In Israel, 12 people were killed, including one child, and over 100 people were injured. In addition to the hundreds killed in Gaza, almost 100,000 people were displaced and 2,000 homes, schools, hospitals, and media centers were destroyed.

After constant violence from both sides, they agreed upon an unconditional ceasefire. Many anticipate it to be short lived. Hamas official, Osama Hamdan, insisted that Israel agree to stay out of Sheikh Jarrah, a primarily Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem. Israeli officials deem this untrue. The last time the situation grew to this level of intensity was during the Gaza War of 2014. Before that war ended, there had already been nine failed ceasefires. Because of this history, this ceasefire is not expected to last very long. In addition to this, a ceasefire only halts the firing of rockets into Gaza, not police brutality towards the Palestinians in their territories. On Friday May 21st, the day after the ceasefire was announced, Israeli police attacked Palestinian worshippers in the Al-Aqsa mosque. They fired at them with steel-coated rubber bullets and released tear gas bombs.

The United States has also played a great role in the occupation. Biden has been under fire by many US citizens and Democratic policy makers for his newest effort to send $735 million dollars in weapons to Israel. The US sends $3.8 billion to Israel every year, while Gaza has a crippled infrastructure. Few members of Congress have been advocating for Palestinian rights. Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, Cori Bush, and Rashida Tlaib tweeted, “Apartheid states are not democracies,” in efforts to condemn the United States’ support of Israel. Germany is the second greatest exporter of weapons to Israel. Although they do not provide the details of the relationship, it is known that they send Israel almost $2 billion worth of weaponry. In addition to Germany and the US, Italy and the UK follow with almost half a billion dollars in arms sales to Israel.

On the other hand, Kuwait and Ireland have shown unwavering support for Palestine. In 1980, Ireland was the first member state of the European Union to support the establishment of a Palestinian state. They also recently passed a motion condemning Israel’s ‘de facto annexation’ of Palestine. Kuwait has condemned the new Israeli settlements and the eviction of Palestinians. Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, “"Kuwait strongly condemns and denounces Israel's continued construction of settlements, and its displacement and evacuation operations in East Jerusalem, particularly in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.”

China Landing its First Rover on Mars

Ali Yousry - 11th grade

Early on Saturday, May 17th, China successfully landed its first rover on Mars making it the second country to do so after the USA. The six wheeled robot Zhurong, named after the ancient Chinese god of Fire, targeted Mars’ “Utopia Planitia,” or northern hemisphere. This task is no easy feat because of the thin Martian atmosphere and the fact that space components must survive months in space before landing on an unknown surface. With the shielding of the protective capsule and the use of a parachute and rocket platform, China was able to manipulate and maneuver the rover into a safe landing space on the planet.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) received respect from people and groups around the world for their achievement. After being the second nation to land on Mars, the Chinese president Xi Jinping congratulated the CNSA saying, “You were brave enough for the challenge, pursued excellence and placed our country in the advanced ranks of planetary exploration.” The head of science at NASA, Thomas Zurbuchen, also congratulated the team saying, “Together with the global science community, I look forward to the important contributions this mission will make to humanity's understanding of the Red Planet.” Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, expressed its excitement for future cooperation with the CNSA as well.

The rover, Zhurong, was carried by the Tianwen-1 orbiter which arrived at the planet in February. The probe spent time in orbit as it surveyed the “Utopia Planitia” by taking pictures to determine the safest point of drop off for the rover. The goal was to try and avoid any craters or landscape covered with big boulders. Because of the 18 minute message delay, the rover and orbiter had to operate autonomously. The capsule that encased the rover began its dive to the surface and, as the parachute opened, its velocity decreased. Then the rover broke off from the orbiter and used its rockets to maneuver its way to a safe landing.

With the rover operating favorably, the scientists at CNSA expect to get at least 90 days out of its service to study the geology of Mars. The rover contains instruments that will help the scientists analyze the mineralogy of rocks and the nature of the environment on the planet. Zhurong also contains a radar that looks for subsurface water ice as there is evidence on Mars pointing to the fact it could have held an ocean a long time ago. Satellites indicate there are significant amounts of ice in the depths of the planet. Pictures have already been taken and posted by the CNSA on their website as they captured the surfaces of the planet and videos of the descent that took place.

This was a great milestone for China as it shows their advancement of groundbreaking technology that could help humanity’s understanding of what is beyond Earth.

Trump Urges Supporters To Take Vaccines

by Ali Yousry - 11th grade

As Covid-19 cases begin to increase again and new variants begin to emerge, it has never been more important than now to take the vaccine. Unfortunately though, there are still people that are reluctant to take the vaccine. According to a CBS news poll, 22% of Americans said that they would not take it. Of that percentage, Republicans expressed the most hesitancy. When Republicans were asked whether they would take the vaccine, a staggering amount of those polled, 50%, voted either “maybe” or “no.”

Criticized for his inability to detect the seriousness of the virus when it first appeared, former president Donald Trump remained quiet on the topic of getting vaccinated until recently. Many of his supporters have been the ones resistant to getting vaccinated. After being urged by proponents of the vaccine to speak up, Trump reacted on Tuesday, March 16th. In an interview with Fox News he said that he “would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it” and that “a lot of those people voted for me.” He also added that the vaccine was safe and was “something that worked.”

The Biden administration has been relying on the use of internet advertising and television to promote the vaccine, but they have grown frustrated with the results among the Republicans. It was important that Trump spoke up about an urgent matter such as this. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, "If former President Trump woke up tomorrow and wanted to be more vocal about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, certainly we'd support that."

Even though the White House appreciates the former president speaking up, even encouraging him to say more, President Joe Biden believes that Trump speaking up is less important than the role community figures play. He says, “the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to the MAGA folks is what the local doctor, what the local preachers, what the local people in the community say.” Whether it is what Trump says or what community leaders say that make hesitant people take the vaccine, there is one fact that is known for sure- Covid-19 is bigger than politics. It is going to take an undivided country to help decrease the current infection rates of the US.

Capitol Building Raid

Tasnim Seif - 10th Grade

On January 6, the Capitol building was raided and many consider it an act of terror against the United States. An estimated 800 people stormed the Capitol in support of President Trump. The Capitol building, located in Washington D.C., is where the United States Congress meets to write new laws for the nation and is a symbol of democracy. Many were arrested as the violence arose and even after the raid. Hundreds of Trump’s supporters came out chanting and waving Trump flags in protest of President Biden’s upcoming inauguration.

Many believe that President Trump incited this attack on the Capitol because of a few statements he made. On Dec. 19, Trump said there will be a “big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” He further promoted this protest in many more tweets. Although he did not blatantly call for an attack, he promoted taking action.

Another issue of concern was the lack of security preventing his supporters from storming into the Capitol. There was a lack of officers and President Trump did not call off the raid right away. It wasn’t until many hours later that the National Guard arrived at the scene. By the evening, the National Guard and Capitol Police established a perimeter around the Capitol, but by then many were already injured and arrested. There were a total of five deaths: one police officer and 4 rioters. The Capitol building, along with the other government buildings in Washington D.C., are extremely secure and exclusive leaving many wondering how it was possible for these rioters to not only surround the building but to enter it as well. Senators revealed that they are not even allowed to bring their family into the building.

Senators were forced to shelter in place during the capitol raid and many were scared for their lives as the violence grew. They were locked away in the chamber and different secure sites in the area for several hours as the police and security struggled to contain the riot and put an end to it. According to CBS, Capitol staffers had to bring in meals for the senators and other government officials hiding away from the violence.

Although it was not possible for the police and FBI to arrest everyone there, over 135 people were arrested and 400 are suspects, according to the BBC. Five people were reported dead, including one police officer. One woman was shot in the chest by an officer and the other three rioters died from medical issues due to the tear gas.

They have yet to determine who led the raid on the Capitol, but they have taken many into custody who had a role in the destruction caused on January 6th. Matthew Bledsoe from Memphis, Tennessee, was charged for illegally and violently entering and remaining in a restricted building. Garret Miller of Richardson, Texas was amongst those who stormed the Capitol and threatened to kill Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Riley June Williams of Pennsylvania was accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi’s laptop. The nation remains shaken up by the events that took place that day and is still working towards serving justice to those who violently raided the Capitol building.

Alexey Navalny Remains in Prison and the Country’s Reaction

by Ali Yousry - 11th Grade

Alexey Navalny is a man whose name reoccurs in the news. His views, anti-corruption campaign, and outward criticism of the Russian government and its leader, Vladimir Putin, led to his gain of millions of followers. Navalny and those who follow him, believe it is time for the president to make space for someone new in office. Navalny’s recurrence in the news took a turn for the worst on August 20th, 2020 where it was reported that he was poisoned with Novichok, a nerve agent, in his home country. Even though no one knows for sure who poisoned his drink he blames the Russian government. After accepting the request from a German based charity, Russian officials allowed Navalny to be treated in Berlin, Germany. His return from Germany on January 17th 2021 was met with a detainment. He was sentenced to two and a half years behind bars. The reason given for such an imprisonment was a violation of parole back in 2014 where he was charged with embezzlement, a case he says was politically driven. The Russian critic will remain behind bars because his appeal was rejected earlier in the month of February. All the court did was shorten his sentence by a month and a half.

Along with his sentence, Navalny was fined 11,480 American dollars for the defamation of a World War II veteran. This accusation comes from the post Navalny made on June 25th of last year criticizing a video where prominent figures supported Putin’s new controversial changes to the Russian constitution. Navalny’s treatment, and the condemnation of the president, was the cause of protests across Russia. The people decided to take to the streets in order for their voices to be heard. Throughout Russia, protests arose and thousands of people were met with a police force unlike any other. More than 5,000 people were arrested from around 85 cities where protests occurred. In Moscow, Russia’s capital, 1,600 people were arrested.

Protestors planned to march in about 120 cities even though the Russian police force was ready. The preparation of riot police and vans ready to transport those who had been arrested did not scare away the protestors. They planned to protest in front of the Russian Federal Security Service Headquarters (FSB), because it was thought they poisoned Navalny. The FSB was barricaded and the government shut down certain subway stops and even shortened bus routes to try and slow down the protests. In response, the protestors then began to march to Navalny’s detention center while screaming chants that said “Let him go!” and “Russia without Putin.” The police’s reaction to such a protest was recorded by the protestors and tactics such as police intimidation with firearms and the use of stun guns were clearly seen. In other cities protestors faced harsher treatment such as being pushed into icy rivers and bays. The police even detained those in cars honking and chanting “Let him go.”

US officials like Rebecca Ross, the spokeswoman of the US embassy in Moscow, and Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, condemned Russia’s actions calling out the harsh tactics and the oppression of protestors. The European Court of Human Rights also spoke out and said Navalny should be released. The imprisonment of Navalny and the oppression of rights led to many condemning the acts of Russia and the growing number of problems and opponents for the Russain president, Vladimir Putin.

Europe’s Alarming Covid-19 Situation

Ali Yousry, 11th Grade

The World Health Organization (WHO) fears the new variant of Covid-19 because it is much more transmissible. Even though threat levels are the same, experts say, WHO believes more needs to be done by European countries to stop its spread. First detected in the UK, this virus has led to a spike in cases in the UK and other countries inside and outside Europe, such as France and Australia.

Since 22 countries have now been detected with the new variant of Covid-19, Hans Kluge has stated that this is “an alarming situation.” Kluge, the WHO Europe Director, has also stated that tougher measures are needed to “flatten the steep vertical line” of cases in countries. Even though it has been disproven that the vaccine will not be as effective on this new strain, Kluge still says that the increased transmissibility and similar severity of the last variant still are unnerving factors. It is also predicted that this variant will put even more pressure on the health facilities already packed with Covid patients.

So how bad is this new variant in Europe?

Even though over 230 million people are already under national lockdown in Europe, more countries are expected to announce that they are also under lockdown. According to WHO almost half of all European countries recorded a percentage of 150 new cases per every 100,000 people tested in only one week. With this many new occurrences of the new Covid strain, health systems will be put under more tension. Many of the highest infection rates and death tolls have been in European countries. Countries such as Russia, the UK, France, and Italy have all had over 2 million cases, with Russia having more than 3 million.

With numbers like this, many countries find themselves reinstating curfews and lockdowns. After lifting national lockdown on December 20th, France’s prime minister Jean Castex had to extend the nation’s nightly curfew. Seeing its hospitals overwhelmed, Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, decided to extend the country’s nationwide lockdown until the end of January. In Italy restrictions originally implemented during the holidays had to be extended until the 15th of January while Greece lengthened its Covid restriction until the end of January.

Even though vaccines have been rolling out in Europe, many criticize the speed at which they are being distributed as new cases are still being recorded at a daunting rate.

Muslim Pro Exposed for Selling User Data

Tasnim Seif, 10th Grade

The Muslim Pro app is one of the most popular prayer and Quran apps in the world, downloaded over 98 million times. It is most commonly used by Muslims to notify them of prayer times throughout the day, and has many other features to make the different Islamic practices easily accessible. Recently, reports have exposed the company for selling their users’ data to the United States military. There has been a huge uproar amongst angry users as many wonder why their data was stolen and what it is being used for.

The U.S. military used two pathways to collect data. The first is through a company called Babel Street and their product, Locate X, a software used to track different devices. The U.S. military purchased this software and can use it to track users’ locations. The second way the military obtains data is through help of X-Mode, a company that can track users’ directly from the apps they use, such as the Muslim Pro app.

There is an intricate stream of data that begins from the Muslim Pro app and ends at the hands of the United States military. According to Motherboard, a technology publication, the Muslim Pro app is owned by a company called Bitsmedia. This company collects its users’ data and sells it to X-Mode. The U.S. military directly purchases the data from X-Mode.

The data is primarily on the location of users, but many wonder why the military is interested in that. Normally the military uses location data to organize and target drone strikes, counterterrorism, and more. X-Mode tried to justify their actions and told an online magazine that “X-Mode licenses its data panel to a small number of technology companies that may work with government military services, but our work with such contractors is international and primarily focused on three use cases: counter-terrorism, cyber-security and predicting future COVID-19 hotspots.”

The Muslim Pro app has announced that they plan to cut all ties with the United States military. They also assured users that they will stop the collection of location data immediately, though they deny the claim that they sold any data to the military. Ads throughout the app explain that this idea is false and must be ignored. This caused further backlash as many believed the Muslim Pro app were attempting to deny the truth and win back their users. They stress the importance of having a way for Muslims to practice and get closer to God.

Although the owners of the app have apologized and promised to sever ties with the military, users remain unsettled and upset. Many took to social media to voice their concerns and feelings of betrayal. In addition to that, Muslim leaders are encouraging any users to delete the app to protect their safety and privacy. The Council on American-Islamic Relations has reportedly requested numerous times for the U.S. House committee to conduct further investigation on the issue.

2,000 Year Old Remains Excavated in Pompeii, Italy

Ali Yousry - 11th Grade

The remains of two men, thought to be a master and his slave, were dug up on November 21st. The two men attempted to escape the eruption of Mount Vesuvius but failed and were covered with ash that had hardened on their bodies for centuries.

Officials at the archeological park in Italy say the bodies were found after the excavation of a villa thought to be destroyed in 79 A.D. They believe that the powerful volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius buried the men in ash. Found while laying down on their backs, the two victims were around 6.5 feet underground.

As done with other bodies that were dug up, liquid chalk was poured into holes left by the decaying of the body. Massimo Osanna, the director of the archaeological park, says this is done to “make the remains seem like statues and keep them in the position they died in so that reason for death can better be determined.” The bodies were also covered with special plaster casts. These new plaster casts, made with a technique perfected by the Italian archaeologist Guiseppe Fiorelli, were used to cover the newly discovered bodies. These new casts show remarkable detail as they were able to depict, as Osanna said, the “extraordinary drapery” of their wool clothing. Interestingly, this excavation site was the same area in which three horses were found as well in 2017.

The first man was estimated to be 18 to 25 years old and had a spinal cord with compressed discs. This finding caused the scientists to hypothesize that he did some type of manual labor and was a slave of some sort. The other man was predicted to be 30 to 40 years old and bits of white paint was found on his face. This finding led scientists to believe that the paint originated from some sort of structure that collapsed on him.

The clothes found on both men also provide evidence of the approximate date at which the eruption occurred. Both men, wearing wool clothing, give credit to the belief that the eruption occurred in the month of October in the year of 79 A.D rather than the previously thought month of August in the same year.

The place at which the bodies were found was interesting as well. Both skeletons were found in a side room located along an underground hallway known as a cryptoporticus. Osanna believes, “The victims were probably looking for shelter, in this underground space, where they thought they were better protected.” Osanna also says this discovery is “an incredible font of knowledge for us” and that it is a “touching discovery of great emotional impact” as such a finding offers new insights for an ancient Roman town that has been a source of appeal since the 18th century. The bodies of these two men give archaeologists and historians more knowledge about how people in ancient Rome lived, such as the decor and the tools used back then.

The volcano of Mount Vesuvius remains active and so does the activity of the archaeological park. In fact, the park still has 50 acres that have not yet been excavated. With so much left to explore, the Culture Minister Dario Franceshini says such a park is “an incredible site for research, study and training” and is also a mission for “archaeologists of today and the future.” Unfortunately, the park is closed to visitors due to COVID 19 precautions taken, but the future seems bright for this archaeological site.

How Far Are We From a Covid-19 Vaccine?

Tasnim Seif - 10th grade

It has been almost one year since the coronavirus pandemic struck the world and changed the lives of billions. People are awaiting the day we can leave the house without a mask and sanitizer, but this will not happen until a vaccine is created and distributed to the public. It is not as simple as it may seem though. The process of creating a vaccine is strenuous and can take many years. Many companies claim to be close to the finish line, but some still wonder if life will ever get back to normal.

The CDC defines a vaccine as “a product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” If successful, a vaccine can help end this pandemic for good, but there are many steps to take before that. Firstly, it will not be distributed to everyone all at once. Healthcare professionals, first responders, and the elderly will most likely have access to the vaccine first because they are the most vulnerable. Many are saying that children will receive it last, which means the reopening of schools may have to be pushed.

The development of a typical successful vaccine can take up to ten years. Usually, the development would begin with a preclinical analysis phase, then three additional phases where a small group (increasing per year) test the vaccine, and finally it will receive final approval and begin the distribution phase. However, the coronavirus vaccine is unique as it is predicted to be ready for distribution in less than two years. The testing of a COVID-19 vaccine is much different too. Large dosages of the vaccine will be distributed at once, creating a great risk of failure. This form of testing, however, can gain approval after one year, making it available to the public faster.

There are many ways that companies are planning on testing the vaccine. One of the most popular ways is called the RNA vaccine. Just like any other vaccine, it is injected into the patient and allows for the body to create antibodies to destroy infected cells. The difference, though, is that this vaccine does not introduce a dead virus into the body - it introduces mRNA (messenger RNA). This mRNA sends messages to the cells to produce a COVID-19 spike protein which penetrates and takes over the infected cells. This type of vaccine is not confirmed to be completely safe, which is why it is still in the testing phase.

There are currently three companies working on vaccines that are said to be in their final stages of production: Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna. Pfizer and BioNTech’s data showed that their vaccines are over 90% effective. Over 43,000 people were tested and there were no reported concerns. Moderna has not had as many testing trials as Pfizer and BioNTech, but researchers claim it to be 92% effective in killing off COVID-19.

According to the CDC, a COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be readily available to the public towards the end of 2021. There are many specific guidelines to follow in terms of distributing the vaccine. For example, it must be stored at a particular temperature and continue to be surveilled to ensure the safety of everyone vaccinated. It is still unknown when masks and social distancing will no longer be mandated, but the CDC stresses the importance of remaining educated and safe during these unprecedented times.


How Other Nations Are Responding to France

Ali Yousry - 11th Grade

The man who called Islam “a religion in crisis” is now the man who has caused the hashtag #BoycottFrenchProducts to go viral. That man is the president of France, Emmanuel Macron; he has enraged many countries and their people throughout the world. Vowing to protect the freedom of press to blasphemously portray in caricature the Prophet (PBUH), the French president is now being faced with backlash from many countries. But how did such tensions start?

A French teacher was beheaded by a young Muslim man after he showed a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The actions this man committed are haram and detestable and no true follower of the Prophet (PBUH) and Islam would have done such a thing. The images were republished by a French magazine causing nations around the world to protest. From protesting on the streets to boycotting French products, each country expressed outrage in their own way.

In Pakistan 2,000 people marched towards the French Embassy in Islamabad as they bravely faced the police forces that met them. In the city of Multan models of Macron were burned and the country was called upon to sever all ties with France and boycott French products. Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, came out and called on social media platforms to place a ban on Islamophobia , “given the rampant abuse and vilification of Muslims on social media platforms.”

Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, publicly called for the boycott on French products and dozens of French products have been removed from shelves. He stated that there is, “rising Islamophobia in Europe.”

Hundreds of Palestinians protested outside Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. In Bangladesh’s capital of Dakha, crowds burned models and pictures of the president and held signs that had slogans such as “Say No to Islamophobia” and “Boycott French Products.”

In Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul, demonstrators called on their leader to stop French imports, not allow French citizens to visit their country, and to shut down the French embassy. In Ethiopia many protested peacefully after Friday Prayers.

Many Muslim countries and leaders have denounced Macron’s actions and have called him Islamaphobic and anti-Muslim. As the French government tightens border control after attacks on the country and prepares to send an envoy in order to attempt to clear up confusion on the president’s stand, the world awaits the actions of the country and continues to protest the events that have taken place in the last few weeks.

China’s Embassy in London Facing Oppositions

- Ambereen Fatima, 10th Grade

China has decided to move its UK embassy to the site of the former Royal Mint. The Royal Mint Court is located in London’s East End, close to the City of London’s financial district. China’s decision has been subject to a lot of criticism from locals. Citizens and councilors residing in the area have openly opposed the idea of China relocating its embassy because of the overwhelming evidence of genocide against the Uighur Muslims.

The Royal Mint Court was first built to serve as a chapel during the Black Death pandemic in 1349. During that time the site turned into a plague cemetery, hosting the victims of the Black Death. It went through many transformations such as being used for storage, housing, and office space. China acquired the site for their new London embassy in 2018 before it could be refurbished into a shopping center. It sits opposite to Tower Hamlets, a London borough where a great amount of Muslims reside. China had intended to move its UK embassy from the West End of London to where the Royal Mint once stood, a process that might take years. Despite being in its inception, the plan is facing opposition from the residents of the area.

Many councilors in the borough have been pushing for a motion to debate the relocation of the embassy, because they condemn China’s treatment towards the Uighur Muslims. Councilor Rabina Khan stated, “...although its new UK embassy is due to open on the site of the historic Royal Mint in Tower Hamlets, our council condemns the treatment of the Uighur Muslims in China and stands with the pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.” A spokesperson for the Tower Hamlets Conservatives questioned this, saying, “There is a growing body of evidence of appalling human rights atrocities committed by the Chinese government against the Uighur Muslims and other detainees. Do we really want to host the embassy of a nefarious regime in our borough?” The embassy does not stand as a threat to the councilors, but they are not comfortable with hosting an embassy of a country whose discriminatory actions are being brought to light.

As more attention is brought to China’s attempts to control the population of ethnic minorities, there has been a rise of outlets providing more information and support in castigating how China treats Uighur Muslims. The US State Department has recently launched a webpage exploiting more of China’s actions, and the specific, horrible methods used upon those they put in internment camps. These methods include forced labour, sterilization, and public denunciation of one's personal beliefs against their own will. Although when addressed, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, deemed these reports as just “rumors and slanders”.

As it stands, the embassy is still in its initial stage of early applications. One of the councilors at Tower Hamlet stated that there is a relatively sizable amount of time separating them from now and when the applications for the embassy will be submitted.

U.S. TikTok Ban

Tasnim Seif, 10th Grade

Is TikTok stealing their users’ personal information? The answer is not as simple as it may seem. TikTok is a Chinese based social network owned by ByteDance. It is currently one of the most used apps on the market, but the United States federal government has been threatening to remove it from the app stores. On the app, users can create and share short video clips. It has become highly successful in recent years, but its users’ security has been in question. President Trump and his team have been very involved in the banning of the app, but are open to allowing an American company to purchase it.

TikTok has been under fire recently after many reports claimed the Chinese networking service was stealing their users’ data. According to its privacy policy, if given permission, a user’s location, device, contacts, direct messages, age, and more is available to China. They have denied these accusations multiple times and confirmed that their data centers are located outside of China. TikTok’s spokeswoman, Ashley Nash-Hahn said, “Protecting the privacy of our users’ data is of the utmost importance to TikTok.” Many companies do not allow their employees to have TikTok, such as Amazon and Wells Fargo due to concerns with the security of their data. The app has also been banned from government-issued cell phones for the same reason.

The first statement made towards banning the app was made by Mike Pompeo on July 7th. He informed people of the possible security risks of allowing the app to run on your phone. Trump has also made many statements regarding this issue, including that he would pass an executive order to completely ban the app in America. In his executive order, Trump wrote, “TikTok automatically captures vast swaths of information from its users, including Internet and other network activity information such as location data and browsing and search histories. This data collection threatens to allow the Chinese Communist Party access to Americans’ personal and proprietary information.” President Trump’s statements left many confused as he was constantly ratifying and revoking his plans. He also never explained how Americans will comply with the order.

Because President Trump has had issues with the Chinese government in the past, many believe that his main reason for wanting to ban TikTok is because he does not want Americans to use an app owned by a Chinese company. Since Trump took office in 2016, he has been constantly trying to stop the relations between Chinese and American companies. Because of this, Trump allowed for an American company to partner with TikTok.

Trump’s only requirement to allow TikTok to continue to run in America was if an American Company purchased it. He told companies that they had until September 20th to purchase TikTok, or else it would be banned. Both Microsoft and Oracle were interested in purchasing TikTok. ByteDance did not approve Microsoft’s reported $20 to $30 billion offer. Oracle was approved as the new “trusted tech partner” of TikTok in the United States. Oracle along with Walmart partially own the app. Oracle owns 12.5% of the app, while Walmart owns 7.5% of it. This means that Oracle and Walmart did not actually purchase the app as a whole. They are partnering with ByteDance to create a safer online environment for users.

Details on how the United States would have gone about banning TikTok has not been revealed. Some have said that it would have been removed from all app stores preventing new users from downloading it. This also means that the app could never update, resulting in it eventual shut down. For now though, TikTok will remain running in the United States because it is partially owned by American companies.