About Us

Asalam Alaikum Oculus Family,

Our brand new website sparks a new era of journalism for Noor-Ul-Iman. For about 7 years students have run the club preserving the lost art of the classic black and white newspaper but, as all things progress so must we. None of this would have been possible without the aid of our amazing advisors who have gone above and beyond this year, Mrs. Correne and Ms. Omneya. Thank you to all of my writers, to all of my editors, and everyone who has supported our school newspaper over the years and we hope you continue to enjoy reading what our talented and passionate writers have for you.

The OculusNoor-Ul-Iman School4137 Route 1 South • Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852

Donation information:

Scan this link and it will take you to the NUI Website where you can donate to the Oculus newspaper to help offset our annual Keepsake Edition printing costs.

Remember to designate Oculus as the recipient.