Creative Page

Peace in Hand

by Mayyada Nashef
Her hands were dryBut had Peace in handOur heads taken between her handsAnd a kiss on our forehead we receive
She would cry and say “I miss my mother”And our heads bow down to hear her thoughtsStories told about her past Some would cry with her, while others stay still
Her hands were peaceAnd her kiss a blessingAnd again would she cry and say “I miss my father”
But the next day we stood before herHer hands on our cheeksAnd a blessed kiss on our forehead

The Real Consternation

by Eman Naveed
“There’s no time.” Such a despicable phrase.Time… something so endless and far-reaching,Yet, something that no one ever manages to have.
TIME.Moving at such brisk speed…It rushes by, Without giving us (humans) a thought.Time… what an atrocious word.Even though of such value,It betrays us.
TIME.No one can face it.No one can escape itNo one can overcome, outplay, nor outrun it.
TIME. The real consternation.