

Nano to Macro-scale study on the uranium chemistry in the subsurface 

In many cases, past practices relating to the handling and storage of radioactive waste materials have resulted in extensive contamination of the subsurface by these elements, especially uranium (U). The mobility of U in groundwater is largely determined by its speciation and interaction with other aquatic constituents, including microorganisms, natural organic matter, inorganic ions and mineral surfaces. Such interactions may result in U adsorption, redox transformation, and precipitation, all of which influence the mobility, transport, and fate of U. Therefore, the identification of those processes is crucial for the understanding of U fate and developing the knowledgebase needed to solve critical environmental problems. Topics of interest are following:

ERG © 2017

Nazarbayev University

53 Kabanbay Batyr  Ave., Astana 010000

Republic of Kazakhstan