Prof. Lee, the NSC member of MSHE, won the 2024 NU UNSDG Research Excellence Award (June 2024) 

Due to his significant research achievements in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), especially focused on 6. Clean Water and Sanitation, and 13. Climate Action, Prof. Lee won the 2024 NU UNSDG Research Excellence Award. He has served the Kazakhstan MSHE as a National Science Council member since 2020.  

Dana published the first ERG microplastic paper in MPB (June 2024)

Dana (our ex-micropollutant team) and Alisher's research paper, "Seasonal Variation and Removal of Microplastics in a Central Asian Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant," was accepted for publication in the Marine Pollution Bulletin. This is the first microplastic research paper from the ERG. Now, Ayana, Mira, and Alisher are working on microplastic research using different research approaches.   

Class of 2024 graduates (June 2024)

All ERG members congratulate Amina (B.S.) and Mira, Diyar, Alisher, and Meiirzhan (M.S.) on their dedicated efforts and successful achievements. Good luck to their research career, and long live the Environmental Research Group!

Catalyst Brothers published their first shot in Chem. Eng. J. (April 2024)

The Brothers (Nurbek and Meiirzhan) have published their 1.5 years of hard work in a high-impact factor journal, CEJ (IF = 15.1), under Prof. Lee's Advice. The paper, "Enhanced reductive removal of aqueous Hg(II) by a novel Pd-Cu-BTC Catalyst," demonstrates an exceptional catalytic material for effective aqueous heavy metal removal, including Hg. This achievement not only highlights the dedication and expertise of Nurbek and Meiirzhan but also represents the commitment of Catalyst Group to advancing scientific knowledge and addressing real-world water and wastewater challenges. 

Ural River Human Health Risk published at ACS ES&T Water (Feb. 2024)

Another human health risk study on the Kazakhstan River was now in print at ACS ES&T Water. Kadisha and the ERG sisters finally made it for several years. Now, would the next destination be a human health risk by VOCs and/or PAHs in Almaty & Astana? 

Yingkar's Hard-work Made it at ACS ES&T Water (July 2023)

The human health risk assessment research started by "the Big Sista Elmira" with Prof. Lee's advice, and a couple of significant research achievements have been published in STOTEN and MRB. Now, the several years of Yingkar's effort and hard work under the Professor's advice finally saw the publication of the Esil River risk assessment research in ACS ES&T Water. The research team is working on the risk assessment of PAH contamination in Almaty City for the next research masterpiece.   

The Proud GEERG Class of 2023 (June 2023)

Karina Turdiyeva (B.S.), Miriam Absalyamova (M.S.), and Dr. Enoch Adotey (Ph.D.) earned their degree from Nazarbayev University. It was quite a long and difficult journey with proud research achievements. The academic sisters and brothers in GEERG thank your endless efforts and research enthusiasm. Good luck to Karina, Miriam, and Dr. Adotey!    

Undergraduate Researcher's Power (June 2023)

Senior student Karina Turdiyeva and Prof. Lee submitted a research paper titled "Comparative analysis and human health risk assessment of contamination with heavy metals of Central Asian Rivers"  to the Heliyon (IF: 3.92, Q1), and it is now in press. She is the first undergraduate student researcher to publish her research results in a Q1 journal as the first author with her advisor in GEERG research history.  The research results can provide a basic understanding of trace heavy metal contaminations of three Kazakhstan rivers and also show cancer and non-cancer risks of the contaminated river waters under different exposure scenarios.   

New year's 1st Paper Publication (Jan. 2023)

CCUS assessment team (Yerdaulet, Akmaral, Nurgabyl, Saniya, Amina) with Prof. Lee submitted a research paper entitled "Resource assessment for green hydrogen production in Kazakhstan" to the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IF: 7.139, Q1) and now is in press. The team made the first great achievement on Kazakhstan's Green hydrogen production potential. The assessment results would provide a basic understanding of green hydrogen production in Kazakhstan and guide the direction of novel alternative energy industries and research fields. 

The first business trip to Almaty Su (Oct. 2022) 

WTP and WWTP LCA Team leader, Alisher, and Prof. Lee visited Almaty Su and Almaty WTP and WWTP for the collection of their data and future collaboration. The WWTP, built in ~1960, uses a classic activated sludge process for the treatment of Almaty wastewater, and its waste sludge is dried in the field and dumped at a landfill (some of them are used for agricultural purposes). The data will be used for the life cycle assessment of WTPs and WWTPs. This is the first BT for GEERG researchers. Next time, it would be Shymkent or some cities in USA or EU for ACS & IWA conferences. Alisher opened the gate....   atiotemporal evaluation of water quality and risk assessment of heavy metals in the Northern Caspian Sea bounded by Kazakhstan

Big Sista's the Caspian Sea risk assessment work accepted in Marine Pollution Bulletin (June 2022) 

Elmira's last risk assessment research paper entitled "Spatiotemporal evaluation of water quality and risk assessment of heavy metals in the Northern Caspian Sea bounded by Kazakhstan" has been finally accepted. She received B.S. and M.S. in CEE, NU, and was the first Risk Assessment team leader (a.k.a "Big Sista") in GEERG. Now, she is working on a Ph.D. research in Energy, Environmental, & Chemical Engineering at the Washington University, St. Louise, USA.  Spatiotemporal evaluation of water quality and risk assessment of heavy metals in the Northern Caspian Sea bounded by Kazakhstan

Congrats to GEERG senior undergraduate researchers: 2022 commencement ceremony (June 2022)

   GEERG senior undergraduate researchers (Saniya, Gaini, Alisher, Aigerim, and Meiirzhan in the photo left) received a B.S. degree from the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences on June 10. Now, they successfully jumped over the first hurdle in their research career. All the GEERG researchers congratulate them on their significant achievements and graduation.   The M.S. student researchers cannot make their photoshoot due to personal issues.   

A sampling tour at Astana Wastewater Treatment Plant  (May 2022)

Risk Assessment (Assem & Yingkar) & WTP/WWTP LCA (Malika & Alisher) Teams visited Astana WTTP May 19. They enjoyed the sampling from the WWTP processes to measure and monitor the variations of micro/nano plastics & pharmaceutical chemicals throughout the year of 2022 for their research tasks.  

First ES&T Publication by GEERG Researchers (May 2022)

ES &T is the top journal in the field of environmental science and engineering. Nobody can deny this. Based on the GEEREG statistics on publication, ES&T has been the most popular and preferred research journal by the old and present GEERG members (total: 14 publications).  Now, Gaini and Yerdaulet's CO2/EOR LCA research work has been accepted in ES&T. Under several rounds of revisions, they can willingly enjoy all the processes with patience. GEERG is very proud of them and their efforts, and its journey towards high-impact research journal publications will be continued by ambitious and organized GEERG researchers.      

Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (CVAFS) was received and installed  (February 2022)

CVAFS is an instrument used for the quantitive analysis of volatile heavy (Hg) metal within the scope of the MES research project. CVAFS make use of the characteristic of mercury that allows vapour measurement at room temperature. The instrument consists of a manual THg Purge and Trap module with gold amalgamation traps, Dual Trap Desorption Module, and module III CVAFS Detector. 

Nurbek & Ainash's Final Achievement of the Year (December 2021)

Nurbek and Ainash, the seniors of Catalyst Group are publishing their final achievement of the year, a.k.a, the quadrupled publication.  The paper entitled "Competitive inhibition of catalytic nitrate reduction over Cu-Pd-hematite by groundwater oxyanions" (with GEERG OB, Prof. S. Hamid) has been accepted in the Chemosphere. Their MES Mercury project has just started and seems to aim at exceptionally significant research journals for next year's achievements, although we cannot predict their ambitious plan for next year exactly...

GEERG OB, Prof. S. Bae (Konkuk Univ.) Appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Hazardous Materials (July 2021)

Professor Sungjun Bae (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Konkuk University, Korea), has been proudly appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF: 10.588) since July 2021.  He was the first Lab Captain of EGRL (former GEERG), received a Ph.D. degree from KAIST (advisor: Prof. Woojin Lee), and was trained at Prof. Thorsten Schaffer's Geochemistry Research Group in KIT (Germany) as a postdoc fellow with the Humboldt Scholarship.   

OB Galym's Final Shot Now Published (July 2021)

OB Galym's final shot, "Enhanced catalytic reduction of p-nitro phenol by NZVI supported metallic catalysts is now in press in Catal. Commun.

Catalyst Group's (Ainash & Nurbek) Sequential Publication as a Starter of Hg Catalysis Project (June 2021)

The new NLA research project has not officially started yet. However, our catalyst lab mice (Ainash & Nurbek) already published their literature review results in Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. The review paper summarized the recent trends of metallic catalysis of aqueous Hg and suggested novel ideas for their applications to WTPs and WWTPs.  

Ainash's 1st hit in GEERG (June 2021)

Finally, Ainash's 1st research paper entitled "Enhanced degradation of aqueous Doxycycline in an aerobic suspension system with pretreated sucrose-modified nano-zero-valent iron" has been published in J. Environ. Chem. Eng.  Good job, Big Sista!

GEERG Internship Successfully Completed (May 2021) 

The GEERG internship started at the early Spring semester (January 2021) and successfully completed at the end of May. Now, the research newbies of GEERG can start their own research works in each research team under contracts.  GEERG thanks the interns and trainers for their efforts, patience, and enthusiasm during the internship period.  Congrats on being part of us, Karina, Tolkyn, Samal, Aiko, Assylay, Balnur, Sabina, & Akerke !!  

We Got Another Research Grant from NLA! (April 2021) 

GEERG now got another new research project this year entitled "Development of novel water purification technologies using bimetallic catalysts supported by diverse types of zeolites" from the National Laboratory of Astana.  The research project will officially start on May 2021 and be continued for 3 years. The Catalyst Team of GEERG (Ainash and Nurbek) including research interns already started the literature review and preparation of experimental tasks. Our collaborator, Prof. Han's Lab. of GIST will be also getting involved in this long research journey. Congrats and Welcome!   

Green Energy & Environmental Research Group: A New Name of Prof. Lee's Research Group (April 2021)

G-EGRL has been the name of Prof. Lee's research group in NU during the transition period. Now, the research group starts its new research expedition with 14 group members and 11 interns under the name of Green Energy & Environmental Research Group  (GEERG). God Save the GEERG!

Nurbek Hit a Home Run at CEJ (February 2021)

Nurbek hit a home run at CEJ, this February. He submitted his first research paper titled "Enhanced reduction of aqueous bromate by catalytic hydrogenation using the Ni-based metal-organic framework Ni(4,4’-bipy)(1,3,5-BTC) with NaBH4" to the Chemical Engineering Journal, last December. It has been rapidly processed in 1.5 months and is now in press. The research paper showing the potential of MOF-Ni for the treatment of aqueous bromate is the third publication for the bromate research in G-EGRL.    

"The Great" Olga's Paper Now Published (January 2021)

Olga, our first and ex-Lab. Sis got a wonderful wish and now she made it finally. She submitted her first research paper titled "Enhanced reduction of bromate by highly reactive and dispersive green nano-zerovalent iron (G-NZVI) synthesized with onion peel extract" to the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC): Advances. It is the first research paper that will be published in Open Acess since the foundation of EGRL. The wonderful research achievement was the fruit of a successful collaboration with Prof. S. Bae's lab. in Konkuk Univ.

Lab. Captain Yerdaulet's 1st Paper Now Published (October 2020)

Yerdaulet has submitted his first research paper titled "CO2 storage potential in sedimentary basins of Kazakhstan" to the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control under Prof. Lee's advising. It has been a long journey to him, although it includes meaningful enough quality for the development of carbon sequestration technology of the country. Now his effort made its publication come true. The research work was successfully done with his lab. junior, Nurlan, and his second shot is being prepared for the top research journal aiming its submission by the end of this year.

We got ORAU small grant, FDCRGP, (October 2020) 

Risk Assessment research group (Yingkar, Kadisha, & Elmira) and Prof. Lee submitted a research proposal titled "Stochastic risk assessment of Kazakhstan soil and water environments contaminated by heavy metals last May. The research proposal has been accepted for the faculty-development competitive research grants program (FDCRGP) and their risk assessment research will be supported by NU from January 2021 to December 2023.  The group has been successfully carrying out RA research works and already started to harvest some interesting research results, and its fruitful research achievements will be continued for a long while.        

Elmira's 2nd Paper Now Published (August 2020) 

Lab. Sis. Elmira's 2nd paper ("Stochastic risk assessment of urban soils contaminated by heavy metals in Kazakhstan") has been just accepted in the Science of the Total Environment (IF: 6.551). This work with Prof. S. Lee of Illinois Wesleyan University has firstly introduced the stochastic risk assessment protocol to evaluate the contaminated soil environments of Kazakhstan suggesting the impending necessity of remedial actions for the contaminated urban soils.

1st Paper Authored by G-EGRL Researchers Accepted in Chemical Engineering Journal (January, 2020)

Lab. Captain, Galym and Elmira's (a.k.a. Galmira Sistas') research work has been just accepted in the CEJ. This is the 1st paper (G-EGRL paper No. 107) made by G-EGRL researchers with Prof. Lee. Now, we are seeing the successful start of G-EGRL's research voyage based on the previous research legacy of EGRL in KAIST.

Good News! G-EGRL got Collaborative Research Funding from ORAU research office for "KazCCUS" project! (October, 2019)

Research group of Professor Woojin Lee will start a new 3-year big project in 2020-2023. As a PI of this project Professor and his researchers will develop Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage technology in Kazakhstan. Project acronym is "KAZCCUS" and it will focus on various of aspects of CO2 storage and utilization starting from fundamental science of CCUS to  its implementation ways in Kazakhstan. Motivated and diligent individuals with interest are welcomed!

G-EGRL held 1st International Environmental Science and Technology Workshop (October 2, 2019)

Invited speakers: 

Professor Lee and three EGRL researchers run at the Astana Marathon 2019 (September 8)

Galym Tokazhanov, Yerdaulet Abuov ,Nurlan Seisenbayev

Asian University Alliance Professor

Professor Lee was nominated for Asian University Alliance Professor (2019-2020)

Three G-EGRL members completed research internship at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) laboratories

Galym Tokazhanov and Elmira Ramazanova worked in our collaborator, Professor Seunghee Han's Lab.

Yerdaulet Abuov worked in the laboratory of Professor Youngjun Park

G-EGRL members participated in INESS 2019 (7-9 August)

International conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems (INESS)

Professor Lee, Nurbek, Olga, Ainash, and Nurlan visited Almaty for INESS  2019 and presented their research works

Congratulations to our  May 2019 BI Marathon Team at Nur-Sultan!

Professor Lee and our Lab Captain Galym with their medals

Professor Lee at Almaty Marathon (April 21, 2019) Congrats!!!

Third place in Petrobowl (April 20, 2019)

Our group member, Yerdaulet Abuov got third place in Petrobowl organized by SPE Almaty section. Teams from fourteen universities of Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan competed. Congrats!!!

G-EGRL Billboard

Recruiting Graduate Students & Undergraduate Researchers

Recent Publications

100th Paper in Global EGRL

100th paper of Global EGRL (12th publication at Nazarbayev University) has been in print in Environmental Science & Technology (IF: 6.653). 10 authors including Prof. Sungjun Bae (KU), Prof. Hyungjun Kim (KAIST), Prof. Thorsten Schafer (FSU), and Prof. Seunghee Han (GIST) contributed to the masterpiece together. Congrats!! 

Two More Papers Popped Out (II)

Two more papers have been just accepted in Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 6.216) as 4th and 5th publications from the Global EGRL at Nazarbayev University. 

ERG © 2017

Nazarbayev University

53 Kabanbay Batyr  Ave., Astana 010000

Republic of Kazakhstan