Campaigning for Kennedy (at the JFK Library Boston)


Campaign meeting – divide roles among members of committee. ALL members help with each part of the campaign; however, each member is in charge of dividing up responsibilities.

Campaign manager – Person who checks in with the various committees to ensure that everyone is on task. Sets- up a means of communication with the team. Highly organized to ensure team meets goals.

Campaign Budget – One person who maintains an accurate record of the donations and expenditures.

Federal US Budget proposal - One person creates the budget with input from the entire team.

Fundraising – Two or more people who solicit donations and host fundraisers for the candidate. Convince six or more interest groups (teachers) that they should support with either votes and/or financially your candidate. Students must be familiar with the policies for their candidate. Host a fundraiser (i.e. campaign event, rally, photo shoot).

Publicity - Two or more people who work on the candidate’s image and also create documents/advertisements to showcase the candidate’s work. Scripts/sketches must be approved in advance before the creation of any final product. Some folks will be working on Web based image as well.

Social Media - Experts. Works in coordination with Publicity to create a favorable media image of candidate. Fakebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, etc. Must use templates from teacher. Website is required. ALL social media must be linked to Website.

Speech Writer(s)– Two people who write the final debate speech using the final drafts from each person’s policy statements (Planks).

Stump Speech writer(s)- Person who creates one page speech for rally and/or meet & greet. Connects to the audience (voters, interest groups, unions, etc.)