Financial Aid

How to fill out the FAFSA

Need Help Completing The FAFSA?

The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is your application for federal, state, and college-based financial aid. Brad Brown, from EducationQuest Foundation , will help students file the FAFSA electronically for free.

To make an appointment call 888.357.6300

Dates: Wednesday 11/6/19 and Thursday 11/7/19

Wednesday from 10am -7pm and Thursday from 9am-7pm

At the College and Career Center/ Norfolk Senior High School

There are 4 Types of Financial Aid:

  • Scholarships (merit and need-based)
  • Grants (need-based) - money given by the government based on FAFSA results that you do not have to pay back
  • Work-Study (need-based) - based on FAFSA results
  • Loans (need-based and non-need-based) - Money given by the government based on FAFSA results that you do have to pay back.

Federal Financial Aid Vocab

  • FSA ID (Federal Student Aid ID) - This is a username and password that the student and one parent have to get to complete the FAFSA.
  • FAFSA (Federal Application for Free Student Aid) - the online application to apply for Federal Financial Aid. You will use your 2015 household income tax information to complete it. It will be available on January 1st.
  • SAR (Student Aid Report) - This is the summary of your processed FAFSA application. Some scholarships will ask for this summary (ex. Susan Buffet Scholarship). It also contains your EFC number that is sent to the colleges.
  • EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) - a number determined to be the amount of money your household can contribute towards college. Colleges determine your student aid package using this number and other information.
  • FAFSA Priority Date - The date that the college sets for students to complete the FAFSA to receive the best possible financial aid package.
  • IRS Data Retrieval Tool - The IRS Data Retrieval Tool allows applicants who have already filed their federal income tax returns to prefill the answers to some questions on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by transferring data from their federal income tax returns. This can save the family some time in completing the FAFSA. It may also reduce the likelihood that your FAFSA will be selected for verification.
  • Verification - Colleges randomly select approximately 1/3 of students for verification. You may also need to provide IRS tax transcript, W2s, court filing for proof of state ward/guardianship, or death certificate. Colleges will NOT award financial aid until student submits required documents.