Job Shadows

Often students are either unsure of what they want to do, or have some ideas and want to try and narrow it down by observing a professional. We arrange on-site visits for students with local professionals in a variety of careers for half or full-day experiences where the student can learn more about what a typical day looks like in a particular field. Per state guidelines, students may participate in a job shadow in any given field for up to 8 hours. They can participate in multiple shadow experiences, but it may not be in the same career discipline for more than 8 hours.

Sometimes, students will come back to us apologizing because the experience has helped them decide a field is NOT right for them. The point of the job shadow is to help narrow down where a student might want to focus so it is actually a good thing when students are able to use the information they’ve gathered to determine what path they do NOT want to follow.

Job shadows are a great tool for students to experience the work place and what life might look like on a daily basis. We also encourage students to reach out to family members or family friends who might be able to offer information or expertise in a subject area of interest. In addition, we are always looking for partners to assist our students.

If you are interested in providing learning experiences for NHS students,

please complete the Career Services Interest Form.