
Welcome to our virtual learning page for primary students. First you will find three tasks that will support a variety of different types of mathematical skills - a story, game, and logic puzzle. Below are additional resources to challenge your mathematical thinking further.

TVO mPower: K-6

Free, award-winning online games that support the mastery of math concepts and bolster understanding of STEM and the social sciences. Boost foundational math skills and inspire a love of math. Sign up can easily be done by a parent. With a free account, students can track their progress in the games.

Math Story Time K-2:

Using stories to explore simple math concepts, engage children in math and make learning at home fun, this resource is designed to spark conversations about math and its connections to the world of a child. You may be prompted to download the free Math Storytime app. No accounts or passwords are required.

TVO Kids Mathematics YouTube Channel K-3:

Supports the Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3 core curriculum. Kids can learn math in a way that is intriguing and fun!

SolveMe Puzzles Grades 1-10:

Develop number sense and algebraic reasoning through interactive puzzles and games.

Story: The first day of Winter is the perfect book for any wintry day—and a fun way to introduce a lot of important mathematical ideas. As a little boy adds more and more trimmings to a snowman on each page, children can chant along and experience the growing pattern: “4 prickly pine cones, 3 striped scarves, 2 bright blue mittens, and a red cap with a gold snap. By the time they reach “10 salty peanuts,” the children are recognizing increases in quantity and the snowman is looking fabulous. It can also be a great way to explore Number Sense and Counting.

1-2-3 Nim on a 10-Frame

This Nim variation is a great way to give kids more experience with 10-frames, while practicing

the addition, subtraction and strategy of Nim in a dynamic way. Kids are rewarded by thinking

ahead, and the game corrects their errors in strategy (and arithmetic) as they’re beaten, and

have to play again.

Download the PDF for a printable game board

Guess the number value of emojis in each row and then correctly work out the bottom row sum

Story: A Chinese folktale with a perfect blend of humor and wisdom. One spring morning, Mr. Haktak, a poor farmer, unearths a brass pot in his garden. Placing his coin purse inside for safekeeping, he carries his discovery home to his wife. After she accidentally drops her hairpin inside, Mrs. Haktak reaches into the pot and, to her amazement, pulls out two identical hairpins and two matching coin purses. Quickly deducing the magic secret, husband and wife work feverishly to duplicate their few coins, creating enough gold to fill their hut.

Game: Fill the Stairs - The numbers have to increase as they go up the stairs. Where should each number go?

Fill the Stairs requires the thoughtful placement of two-digit numbers in order from least to greatest, before all the numbers are known. Overall, it is a fun and compelling game that holds up after repeated playing.

Download a the PDF for a printable game board

This is Which One Doesn't Belong?, a website dedicated to providing thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike. There are no answers provided as there are many different, correct ways of choosing which one doesn't belong. Enjoy!

Additional Resources

Math Before Bed brings math INTO your conversations with your family. The beautiful images open a doorway for you and your family to talk about math concepts easily without hurting your head.

All of the games have been selected because they are fun, filled with rich learning opportunities, do not require very much in terms of resources and are easy to play.

Same or Different? is a routine that provides students opportunities to construct arguments when comparing objects, such as numbers or shapes. Click an image to open it's gallery.

Select your own math adventure of inspirational activities to get you thinking creatively. After clicking on the image above, select "Tasks & More", then go to "Week of Inspirational Math". Once on the page, select your Grade Level and Topic, and a variety of tasks will appear.