Transition from EI

Early Intervention to School Based Services Referral Process

Your Child Was Referred to the Northbridge Public Schools Special Education Department. What Next?

Determining Eligibility

At the team meeting, we will review the evaluations and answer any questions you have. Following that, we will work together to determine if your child demonstrates an educational disability and requires specialized instruction to access the preschool curriculum.

If you need to access disability definitions, please use the link below.

The eligibility flowchart that we will use is available using the second link.

Partnering With Families of Young Children with Disabilities Transitioning into Public Pre-K

Experience Northbridge Elementary Preschool

The program is language based and incorporates developmentally appropriate practices. Children learn through play and hands-on activities. A strong emphasis is placed on language development. Each integrated preschool classroom is staffed with a Massachusetts certified teacher and teaching assistant(s).

How Can We Make A Child’s Transition to Preschool Easier?

In order to improve the evaluation and transition process of early intervention children into the Northbridge Elementary School preschool, the preschool staff will provide the current early intervention students who will be turning three during the 2022-2023 school year an opportunity to attend a four to five week introduction to preschool on a weekly basis for 45 minutes.

Early Intervention referrals will be used as a basis for observations and activities that will be provided during the preschool session. The preschool session will allow the evaluators a chance to observe your child in a natural school setting.

Who? Children who have been referred for special education services through Early Intervention or parent referral.

What? Four to five week introduction to preschool drop off program weekly for 45 minutes

Where? Northbridge Elementary School Integrated Preschool

Why? To help improve the transition from Early Intervention homes services to the integrated preschool program.

Let's Look at the Schedule

Wednesdays from 9:30-10:15

The 45 minute drop off session will allow the children to experience large group literacy activities, speech and language activities, free play and art projects. The schedule will developed to meet the developmental needs of students enrolled.

9:30 Arrival: Parents will be met at the preschool entrance by either a preschool teacher or instructional assistant who will take the students to the preschool classroom. The morning will include the following activities: Circle Time, Songs, Story, Motor Activity; Speech Therapist Activity; Art Activity; Exploration and Facilitated Play in Learning Centers.

10:15 Get Ready to Go Home. Parents will meet their child at the preschool entrance.

How Can Your Child Be Part of the Evaluation Play Group?

After the consent to evaluate has been signed and returned, please download the attached registration forms and return them to the school so that your child can participate in the weekly group. Contact Jill Redding at to secure a spot in the group.

Once the registration is complete, you will be contacted as to when your child can begin attending our play group as part of the evaluation process.