English Learners

The Northbridge Public Schools (NPS) is committed to providing a quality education to each child. NPS is a low incidence English Learner (EL) district with a population of less than 20 students within a specific language group. It is important that the district provides EL students or Limited English Proficient (LEP) students with the appropriate opportunity to become proficient in English and provide access to the curricula. Because some EL and LEP students do not have a strong base of literacy or fluency in their primary language, they need to be instructed to develop essential language skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. To accomplish these goals, EL students will receive individual tutoring and Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) in classrooms, in accordance with state and federal laws. SEI addresses the concepts and skills as defined in the curricula and assists students with language development.

Title VI of the Federal Civil Rights Act does not permit time limitation of services for English Learners and requires that ELs be provided language support services until they are proficient enough in English to participate meaningfully in the district’s education program.

MA Department of Secondary and Elementary Education- English Learner Education