Education for Homeless Children (McKinney-Vento)

Homeless Students/McKinney-Vento: Enrollment Rights and Services 

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (McKinney-Vento Act) ensures homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as provided to other children and youths. It has most recently been reauthorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2158 (ESSA).

The McKinney-Vento Act mandates a state coordinator in every state, a homeless education liaison in every school district, outlines the rights of homeless children and youth, defines homelessness, and requires collaboration and coordination across agencies and service providers.


Homeless children and youths: individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including:

Enroll and enrollment: attending classes and participating fully in schools activities.

School of origin: the school the child or youth attended when permanently housed, or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled, including preschool. When a child completes the final grade level served by the school of origin, the school of origin includes the designated receiving school at the next grade level for all feeder schools.

Unaccompanied youth: a homeless child or youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian

District Liaison

The Director of Pupil Personnel Services will be the district's liaison for homeless students and their families, unless a different liaison is designated by the Superintendent.  The district's liaison shall seek to identify homeless students by working with school personnel or with other appropriate entities and agencies. The liaison shall coordinate with local social service agencies that provide services to homeless children and youths and their families; other school districts on issues of transportation and records transfers; and state and local housing agencies responsible for comprehensive housing affordability strategies. The liaison will disseminate public notice of the educational rights of homeless students as appropriate in places they receive services. The district's liaison will also review and recommend amendments to district policies that may act as barriers to the enrollment of homeless students. To fulfill these responsibilities, the homeless education liaison shall inform school personnel, service providers, and advocates of his/her duties and the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act. Additionally, the liaison will work with school personnel to ensure that a homeless student's living arrangement is treated as a protected student record.

School Placement and Enrollment

Homeless students have the right to remain enrolled in their school of origin and receive transportation or immediately enroll in the school district where they are temporarily residing. According to the best interests of the homeless student, the district will:

For homeless students who meet the relevant eligibility criteria, Northbridge Public Schools will remove barriers to accessing academic and extracurricular activities, summer school, career and technical education, advanced placement, and on-line learning.


Northbridge Public Schools will ensure that transportation is provided, at the request of the parent or guardian (or in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the liaison), to and from the school of origin. 

Furthermore, if the homeless student moves to an area served by another district, though continuing his or her education at the school of origin, Northbridge Public Schools and the district in which the student resides must agree upon a method to apportion responsibility and costs for transportation to the school of origin; and if the districts cannot agree upon such a method, the responsibility and costs must be shared equally.

In addition, the transportation agreement must meet Massachusetts state law and are comparable to those received by other students. Each school district’s homeless education liaison must ensure that the parent or guardian of a homeless student, and any unaccompanied homeless youth, is fully informed, in the language of the home, of all transportation services, including transportation to the school of origin, and is assisted in accessing transportation to the school selected.

Students who have been homeless during the school year and become permanently housed have the right to remain enrolled in their school of origin with transportation if needed through the end of the school year (June).

Helpful Links

Massachusetts Office for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth

Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development

Department of Transitional Assistance

Massachusetts Department of Children and Families

Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth

National Center for Homeless Education

National Runaway Safeline