Home Hospital Tutoring

A Northbridge Public School student, who, due to documented medical reasons, is confined to the home or a hospital for fourteen (14) school days or more during the school year, is entitled to receive home/hospital educational services as described under 603 CMR 28.03(3)(c). Students with chronic illnesses who have recurring home/hospital stays of less than 14 consecutive school days, when such recurrences have added up to or are expected to add up to more than 14 school days in a school year, are also eligible for home or hospital educational services if they are requested and the medical need is documented by the physician. In this context, "Northbridge Public School student" means a student who is enrolled in the Northbridge school district or a student who is being educated with public funds in an educational collaborative, an approved private day, or residential special education school.

Once the student's physician determines the student's medical condition will require either hospitalization or home care for not less than 14 school days, the physician must notify the school district responsible for the student in order to begin the home/hospital instruction process. The student's physician must complete a Physician’s Affirmation of Need for Temporary Home or Hospital Education for Medically Necessary Reasons (form 28R/3) and submit it to the student's building principal. At a minimum, the physician's signed notice must include information regarding:

The District may provide the home/hospital services in a variety of ways, including: 

Services are typically one-to-one or small group instruction that is provided on an individualized basis, for less than a full school day or a full school week. The school district should determine the number of instructional hours per day or per week based on the educational and medical needs of the individual student.

If, in the judgment of the student’s physician, a student with an IEP is likely to remain at home or in a hospital for medical reasons for more than 60 days in a school year, the Director of Pupil Personnel Services must schedule a Team Meeting without undue delay (within 10 school days). The Team must consider possible evaluation needs and, if appropriate, amend the existing IEP or write a new IEP suited to the student’s unique needs. This provision applies to all eligible students including students in private placements.


Physician’s Affirmation for Temporary Home/Hospital Services

Physician’s Affirmation for More than 60 Days

NPS Release of Information Consent

DESE’s Q & A Guide on the Implementation of Educational Services in the Home or Hospital