Northbridge Special Ed. Parent Advisory Council (NSEPAC)

What is a SEPAC?

SEPAC is a Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Every public school district is Massachusetts in required to establish a SEPAC under Massachusetts law. MA state law assigns bot an advisory and a participatory function to SEPACs. 

Who may join a SEPAC?

Membership is open to all district parents/guardians of children with disabilities (IEPS and 504 plans) and other interested parties. 

What are the duties of the SEPAC?

Duties shall include, but not be limited to:

The SEPAC is a self-governing public body which creates its own by-laws and operational procedures.  A SEPAC is different from other parent groups in a school district such as a PTA, PTO or School Council – a SEPAC does not represent families from one school, but represents all families of children with disabilities from the entire school district. 

~Taken from the Federation for Children with Special Needs website

Who are the NSEPAC officers?

Chairperson: Brandon King Vice-Chairperson: Jeny Rivera

Secretary: Gia Barss Treasurer: Talia Berkowitz

Social Media: Beth Hall

How do I contact the Northbridge SEPAC? 


When does the NSEPAC meet? 

The 4th Wednesday of each month. Meetings are held virtually.  

Google Meet joining info Video call link:  

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 302-317-2189‬ PIN: ‪823 066 382‬#

NSEPAC Meeting Recordings