Child Find

The Northbridge Public Schools wish to identify all Northbridge students with special needs, ages three years to twenty-one years, who are in need of special educational services, and who have not graduated from high school. This would include any student enrolled in public or private schools in Northbridge. This also includes students who are homeschooled.


Additionally, the district wishes to identify any students that may currently be homeless and therefore have certain educational rights under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act.


The Northbridge Public Schools is also responsible for the evaluation of those students to determine if they are eligible for special education or related services under Federal law, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or, Massachusetts State Law, 603 CMR 28 (Massachusetts Special Education Regulations).

The Northbridge Public Schools is also committed to identifying children before their third birthday in order to provide early intervention services for three and four-year-olds with disabilities. If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's development and would like to have him/her screened, please call the Early Childhood Coordinator, Jill Redding, at 508-234-8161 ext. 31109.

If you suspect that your child may need an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services, you may request an evaluation, at no cost, through the Northbridge Public Schools Pupil Personnel Services Office. Please contact:

Kate Ryan Vokes

Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Nikki Gangai    

Executive Assistant to the Director

87 Linwood Avenue

Northbridge, MA 01588

508-234-8156 ext. 5215