T levels

Why study T Levels and why with us?

Students who study T Levels with us,  can progress to a range of university and apprenticeship options. The course covers all of the practical skills a future university or employer would be looking for. 

How do we help you?

You will learn and develop skills through the use of industry standard software and facilities, preparing you for both higher education and employment. You will study aspects of professional practice within the Media Production and digital industries as part of the course. This will have a full understanding of the different job roles available to you in the film, TV and Digital industries, which could support you gaining employment at a junior level directly from Sixth Form.

All projects and assignments will focus on developing your own individual skills giving you the greatest opportunity to gain employability skills including:

What is the placement?

Industry placement is a mandatory part of the T Level course and full certification of the T Level will not be possible without completing the industry placement. The industry placement is substantially longer than the traditional work experience and so should be significantly beneficial to you and the employer. You are expected to gain substantial technical training as required through your industry placement. 

How do I complete the placement?

T level media broadcasting and production

t level digital production