Course Overview

Physics defines the universe. By studying physics we seek to understand the universe we live in. A physicist's role is to understand the structure of subatomic matter, the structure of galaxies and of our universe and everything in between. The best physicists don't just understand the forces that define the world, they apply their knowledge to improve it.

Without physics we wouldn't have all the technology that we take for granted, including the internet and device you're using to read this! Physicists lead new developments in the medical world, such as MRI and PET scans. We're building nuclear fusion reactors as a new and viable non-polluting energy source. Engineers are applying physics to revolutionise the car industry making electric cars more and more popular on our roads. They're also designing new irrigation systems in drought-stricken areas. Who knows what that will lead to in a few years’ time?

At A level you will start to see how forces, energy, waves, radioactivity, electricity and magnetism work together, and begin to grasp the universal principles that apply to everything from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies.

welcome Video

Writhlington A Level Physics presentation 2020.MP4

assessment method

At Writhlington we follow "OCR Physics A" syllabus. At the end of Year 12 you will sit end of year exams, these will not count towards your final results.

There are three final written examinations at A level, two of which are 2 hours 15 minutes long and the third is 1 hour 30 minutes long. Practical skills will be tested in the exams and you will be awarded a pass on your certificate if you successfully complete the practicals and laboratory books.

Year 12 Units

module 1

Development of practical skills in physics.

Practical skills are developed through a range of guided practical activities. These skills continue to be developed throughout the whole course.

module 2

Foundations in physics.

A short introduction to important conventions and ideas that permeate the fabric of physics. These include physical quantities and units, scalars and vectors.

module 3

Forces and Motion.

Learn how to model the motion of objects, understand the effect forces have on objects, the important connection between force and energy, appreciate how forces cause deformation and understand the importance of Newton’s laws of motion.

module 4

Electrons, Waves and Photons.

This module introduces the key ideas of quantum physics and also develops a detailed understanding of electrical circuits and wave behaviour, including how harmonics are formed by different types of musical instrument.

Year 13 Units

module 5

Newtonian World and Astrophysics.

Learn about thermal physics, circular motion, oscillations, gravitational field, astrophysics and cosmology. This modules covers everything from the very small to the cosmically huge, studying such concepts as particle behaviour and the formation and evolution of the universe!

module 6

Particles and Medical Physics.

During this module you will learn about sub-atomic particles such as quarks and leptons along with other aspects of nuclear physics. You'll also study capacitors and electric and magnetic fields, including how they're used in particle accelerators. The final chapter studies the exciting and important field of medical imaging.

sample lesson Slideshow

sample Support video

19.7 Stellar Luminosity
18.7 Gravitational Potential Energy

Example student work

Can light erase light

Student testimonials


Support sessions

Throughout their A level we offer a weekly support workshop after school. This runs from their first week in year 12 until they leave us at the end of year 13. These workshops are ran by our team of science teachers and allow students to resolve any difficulties in their understanding, maximising their progress and making sure that they feel fully supported.

We also offer online support so our students can get help any time they need it. During the 2020 lockdown we also delivered extra resources to student's homes if they needed them.

Student Destinations

Writhlington A Level Physics Alumni

Studying A-level Physics at Writhlington will open a world of possibilities for you.

We have students who have gone off to university, including Oxford University and others in the Russell Group, or those who have earned a place on well-paid apprenticeships, such as with Jaguar and Aston Martin. 

Other students have gone to work in other countries in such diverse fields as boat-building in the Caribbean, practising medicine in Samoa or working for the RAF. 

Some of our students go on to race cars, work in robotics, design and build UAVs, represent the UK in the youth G7 summit, join the police or even film Sir David Attenborough! 

The slideshow above shares just some of the testimonials from our alumni.