sixth Form Life

We firmly believe that high academic achievement goes hand in hand with encouraging young people to develop their skills, attitudes and interests. Thanks to the considerable energy and commitment of our staff, we are able to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities.  

MSN Sixth is one of the largest centres in the South-West for Outdoor Education, with a huge programme taking in DofE, the Ten Tors challenge, School Camp, ski trips and so much more.  


Pastoral Support 

The students are supported by Ms Oxley-Hughes, Deputy Director of Sixth Form, who is responsible for the pastoral care of all the Sixth Formers. She is supported by a team of highly experience and dedicated Sixth Form tutors. There is a comprehensive PSHE programme which runs in tutor time and covers a wide variety of subjects from study skills and time management to sex, drugs & relationship education. 

Students benefit from regular academic mentoring sessions with their tutors and are supported to develop their independent learning skills.

Mental wellbeing

We consider students mental wellbeing to be paramount. We help students to develop the skills to be able to effectively manage their day to day stresses through strategies taught in tutor time and raising awareness of mindful activities.

We are lucky to also be able to offer students the opportunity to work with our counsellor who focusses on a positive solution approach. 

planning for your future

To The Sixth Form has a comprehensive programme of support for students who are applying to HE education and degree level apprenticeships. This begins at the start of year 12 when students are guided to help develop a careers profile on Unifrog. 

Links with universities

The Sixth Form has extensive links with universities, including being the South West link for Harvard UK. Students are encouraged to apply for various university experience opportunities and students regularly achieve places on the Access to Bristol, Reading Scholars and the Sutton Trust Summer Schools. The Sixth Form is also a Heading Higher partner with UWE, Bristol. 

MSN Careers presentation VOE


All students take part in a comprehensive careers programme supporting them to plan for their next destination after Sixth Form. They are supported by the Sixth Form Careers Adviser; Ms Windsor 

Work Experience

All students are offered the opportunity to undertake work experience at the end of Year 12.  This experience is often a crucial part of requirements for progressing into some careers and so we prioritise supporting students to do this.

Super curricular activities

Students have the opportunity to get involved in a vast array of super curricular activities. These are activities who enhance their learning experience and allow them to delve deeper into areas of study or areas which interest them. Some examples are shown below:

Speakers for Schools

Speakers for schools send well known individuals into schools to talk about their lives and experiences. We've been lucky enough to have a number of speakers come onto site to speak to students, including Angus Forbes. Since the Covid restrictions, these have been online. 

Virtual Criminal Investigation Day - University of Law

Students attended this session and examined the facts and timeline of events surrounding the Stephen Lawrence case.

They considered;  how  they would piece the evidence together;  how they would put together the trial and Why is the media so influential.

Access to Healthcare - University of Bristol

Students attend sessions at the university designed to give them an insight into their health science programmes.

They take part in academic taster sessions, delivered by leading academics, NHS Clinicians, and current students. They also have the opportunity to practice clinical skills and talk to professionals.

MOOC stands for ‘massive open online course’. Students complete these course in a wide range of topic areas such as Beginners language courses, Computer Coding, Global Marketing and Ethical issues relating to Medicine. These are mainly devised by universities and there is a wide range for student to chose from. 


These videos show the opportunities on offer in various areas of sixth form life.  

the Arts

MSN Sixth prides itself on a thriving arts environment and are proud of our new theatre which opened in 2021 on the Norton Hill site. 


The Sixth Form has active sports teams who regularly compete in competitions including football and netball.


Trips abroad are obviously difficult at the moment, but in normal times there are a full range of opportunities for students to explore the world while at MSN Sixth.  

As students move up the school, there are also a lot of further opportunities available to them, for example a History trip to Berlin, the annual Ski Trip, Geography Field Trip and then Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition and Ten Tors.  The videos below show a taste of some of the foreign trips from the last few years.


sixth form gold

 Duke of edinburgh 1 

sixth form gold

 Duke of edinburgh 2 

ski trip