a level

Course Overview

The course covers all the key concepts of Chemistry. As students progress through the course they will build on their knowledge of the foundations of Chemistry, and apply this knowledge to help them understand key concepts regarding the Periodic Table, Organic and Physical Chemistry. 

There is a strong emphasis on practical skills and the Practical Endorsement will also support the final qualification. Grades obtained at the end of the two year course are based on three exams: Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry and The Periodic Table; and Unified Chemistry which is a synoptic paper testing a range of topics covered over the two years. 

welcome Video

Target Audience

Students who have enjoyed GCSE Science and have a natural interest in Chemistry would be best suited to the course. Students who are considering careers in Medicine or Veterinary Science should also take Chemistry. Well-motivated and organised students will be the most successful. This course also relies on Maths skills and therefore an interest in Maths is also desirable. An A-Level in Maths would compliment this course but this is not essential. Extended writing skills are not essential. 

Year 12 Units

Foundations in Chemistry

In this unit you will consolidate your knowledge from GCSE. You will study atomic structure, chemical calculations, titration along with electrons, bonding and shapes of molecules

Periodic Table and Enegy

In this unit you will develop your knowledge of the periodic table considering periodic trends and changes in reactivity. Followed by exploring enthalpy, reaction rate and equilibrium

Core organic Chemistry

In this unit you will learn about different organic molecules. You will study molecules with a variety of different functional groups and start to develop a toolkit of various chemical reactions that can be applied in organic synthesis.

Year 13 Units

Physical chemistry and transition elements

In this unit you will learn about rates of reactions, equilibrium, pH, neutralisation, enthalpy, entropy, redox and transition metal elements.

Organic chemistry and analysis

In this unit you will learn about aromatic chemistry, carbonyl chemistry, amines, amino acids and polymers. In addition you will learn how to develop a synthetic organic route and how to analyse different substances through techniques such as NMR.

sample lesson

Example Lesson Chemistry


Student testimonials


Support sessions

Chemistry study support runs twice a week, this is on a Wednesday and Thursday after school.

This is an opportunity to come and ask questions and get further support with areas of the course.

Higher Education Progression Routes

Degree in chemistry

Essential A-Levels: Chemistry along with another Science or Maths 

Useful A-Levels: Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Biology

degree in medicine

Essential A-Levels: Chemistry, Biology and one from Maths or Physics

Useful A-Levels: Further Maths

degree in pharmacy

Essential A-Levels: Chemistry and one from Biology, Maths, Physics

Some of the other degrees that are possible with an A-Level in Chemistry include: Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemical Engineering, Dentistry, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Nursing/Midwifery, Optometry, Physiotherapy, Sports Science and Veterinary Science.

Future Careers

pharmaceutical industry

Working in the lab for a pharmaceutical company being involved at different stages of drug development.

Doctor or Dentist

If you want to make a difference to peoples lives by becoming a doctor or dentist a background in Chemistry will help you to achieve this.

Forensic scientist

Use a variety of analytical techniques to help identify substances and support with evidence from crime scenes.


Here are some some examples of destinations that students have progressed onto after studying this subject at Sixth Form:

Geophysics - Leeds University

Biomedical Science - Surrey University

Medicine - Southampton University

Pharmacology - Bath University

Adult Nursing - Cardiff University