Courses Taught

EE 101: Introduction to Electrical Engineering

EE 189L: Space Vehicles LLC

EE 211: Circuits and Signals I

EE 212: Circuits and Signals II

EE 212L: Circuits and Signals II Lab

EE 231L: Digital Electronics Lab

EE 251: Mathematical Engineering

EE 308L: Microcontrollers Lab

EE 321L: Analog Electronics Lab

EE 341: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

EE 342: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

EE 351: Microcontrollers

EE 372: Modeling and Simulation

EE 382: Introduction to Design

EE 443: Intermediate Control Theory

EE 443L: Intermediate Control Theory Lab

EE 446: Introduction to Communications

EE 481: Capstone Design I

EE 482: Capstone Design II

EE 491: Introduction to Electric Power Systems

EE 491: Robotics

EE 544: Modern Control Theory

EE 548: Manipulator-based Robotics

EE 554: Embedded Control Systems

EE 565: Position, Navigation and Timing

EE 570: Advanced Topics

EE 581: Power System Analysis

CS 589: Advanced Topics in Robotics

ES 332: Electrical Engineering

ES 581: Advanced Control Systems

MENG 189L: Robotics Living Learning Community (LLC)

ST 589: Robotics Engineering

Alb. Academy: Exploration in Robotics