EE 491 - Summer 2018

EE 491: Introduction to Power Systems

Website (syllabus) subject to change and will be updated throughout semester

Instructor: Kevin Wedeward (Workman 221, 835-5708,,


Description: EE 491 (Introduction to Power Systems) presents the principles of electric power systems to include components (generation, lines, loads, transformers, control systems and protection) and methods for computer-based modeling, simulation and analysis.

Semester: Summer 2018


  • Development of notes and outlines for key concepts in chapters: 25%
  • Homework: 25%
  • Computer-based projects and associated reports: 50%




  • Bergen and Vittal (BV) Chapters 1 & 2; Glover, Overbye and Sarma (GOS) Chapters 1 & 2 - 06/12/2018
  • BV Chapter 3 and GOS Chapter 4 - 06/14/2018
  • BV Chapter 4 and GOS Chapter 5 - 06/21/2018
  • BV Chapter 5 and GOS Chapter 3 - 07/05/2018
  • BV Sections 9.1, 10.0-10.6 and GOS Sections 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 6.11 - 07/12/2018

Homework and Projects:

  • Homework 1: Problems 2.1 (also find impedance of network), 2.6, 2.10
  • Homework 2: Reproduce Table 3.1 and include other line (GOS problem 4.20) handed out
  • Project 1: Design Exercise D3.1
  • Homework 3: Find characteristic impedance, propagation constant, attenuation constant, phase constant, pi (long line) equivalent circuit, thermal limit, and stability limit (assume equal voltages at ends with phase difference of 45 deg) for the following transmission lines: first column of BV's Table 3.1 assuming 150 mi long, third column of BV's Table 3.1 assuming 400 mi long, and GOS's problem 4.20 assuming 180 km long
  • Project 2: Expand Project 1 to input length of transmission line, rated voltage and current capacity, and provide pi equivalent circuit model, thermal limit and stability limit
  • Homework 4: BV 5.19 and GOS 3.23
  • Project 3: Admittance matrix (BV 3-bus in example 10.6 or GOS 5-bus in example 6.9/6.11, 9-bus in handout, BV Eagle in D4.1)
  • Project 4: Load-flow (3-bus or 5-bus, 9-bus, Eagle)
  • Project 5: Use load-flow on design problem (Eagle)
