ES 332 - Spring 2018

ES 332: Electrical Engineering

Website (syllabus) subject to change and will be updated throughout semester

Instructor: Kevin Wedeward (Workman 221, 835-5708,,


Time and Place: MWF 1100-1150 in MSEC 101

Office Hours: MWF 0930-1030, T 1330-1430, by appointment or anytime door is open

Help Sessions and Tutoring: Electrical Engineering Digital Lab (Workman Center 116) MTWR 1700-2000 and Office for Student Learning

Prerequisites: PHYS 122 (General Physics II) and MATH 335 (Ordinary Differential Equations)

Description: ES 332 (Electrical Engineering) presents fundamental topics of electrical engineering to non-majors. Topics include circuit elements (sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors and operational amplifiers), laws (KVL and KCL), analysis (mesh, nodal, DC, AC and transient), power and digital systems (binary numbers, combinational logic and information processing). The course will cover material taken from chapters 2-8, 11-14 of the text.


  • Homework: 20%
    • Typically assigned every other class.
    • Collaboration is encouraged, but the work turned in must be your own.
    • Homework should be neatly written with all steps clearly shown, single-sided and stapled when multiple pages.
    • Late homework not accepted.
  • Four exams (including final exam): 80%

Textbook: Practical Electrical Engineering by Sergey N. Makarov, Reinhold Ludwig and Stephen J. Bitar, Springer, ISBN-13 9783319211725 (Access SpringerLink via NMT computer for free pdf and/or inexpensive softcover edition.)


  • Chapter 2 (01/17/2018)
  • Sections 3.1, 3.2 (01/31/2018)
  • Section 4.1 (02/09/2018)
  • Chapter 5 (02/21/2018)
  • Chapter 6 (03/02/2018)
  • Chapter 7 (03/07/2018)
  • Chapter 8 (04/02/2018)
  • Chapter 11 (04/13/2018)


  1. Due in class on M 01/22/2018: Exercises 2.1 (follow PSC), 2.3, 2.5 (table not in summary) and Problems 2.2, 2.3, 2.9
  2. Due in class on F 01/26/2018: Problems 2.27, 2.31, 2.36
  3. Due in class on W 01/31/2018: Exercise 2.14, Problems 2.33 (use power absorbed), 2.47, 2.54
  4. Due in class on M 02/05/2018: Exercise 2.15 (incorrectly labeled second exercise 2.14 on page 73), Problem 2.55, Problem 2.58, Exercise 3.2
  5. Due in class on F 02/09/2018: Exercises 3.5, 3.6; Problems 3.10, 3.14, 3.31
  6. Due in class on W 02/14/2018: Problems 3.56, 3.58; Exercise 4.1 also finding all node-voltages; Problem 4.5 also finding all node-voltages
  7. Due in class on F 02/23/2018: Problem 4.9, Exercise 4.2, Problem 4.15 also finding all mesh-currents, Problem 4.16 also finding all mesh-currents
  8. Due in class on W 02/28/2018 F 03/02/2018: Problems 5.12, 5.34 also finding input resistance for each, 5.79
  9. Due in class on W 03/07/2018: Exercises 6.2, 6.3, 6.5; Problem 6.11a
  10. Due in class on W 03/21/2018: Problems 6.23a also finding energy stored in equivalent inductance with current of 0.1A flowing into node a, 6.24a also finding energy stored in equivalent inductance with current of 0.1A flowing into node a, 6.48
  11. Due in class on M 04/02/2018: Problem 6.40, Exercises 7.11 and 7.13 drawing circuits in s-domain to solve
  12. Due in class on F 04/06/2018 M 04/09/2018: Handout as pdf
  13. Due in class on F 04/13/2018 M 04/16/2018: Handout as pdf
  14. Due in class on F 04/27/2018: Handout as pdf
  15. Due in class on W 05/02/2018: Handout as pdf

References (other textbooks with similar content that make good references, but not required):

Reasonable Accommodations: New Mexico Tech is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities. Qualified individuals who require reasonable accommodations are invited to make their needs known to the Office of Counseling and Disability Services (OCDS) as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment, please call 835-6619.

Counseling Services: New Mexico Tech offers mental health and substance abuse counseling through the Office of Counseling and Disability Services. The confidential services are provided free of charge by licensed professionals. To schedule an appointment, please call 835-6619.

Academic Honesty: New Mexico Tech’s Academic Honesty Policy for undergraduate and graduate students is found in the student handbook, which can be found at: You are responsible for knowing, understanding, and following this policy.

Respect Statement: New Mexico Tech supports freedom of expression within the parameters of a respectful learning environment. As stated in the New Mexico Tech Guide to Conduct and Citizenship: “New Mexico Tech’s primary purpose is education, which includes teaching, research, discussion, learning, and service. An atmosphere of free and open inquiry is essential to the pursuit of education. Tech seeks to protect academic freedom and build on individual responsibility to create and maintain an academic atmosphere that is a purposeful, just, open, disciplined, and caring community.”