EE 565 - Spring 2023

EE 565 (Position, Navigation and Timing) - Spring 2023


Class Day, Time and Place:  TR 11:00am-12:15pm in Workman Center 117

Office Hours:

Textbooks as References (not required):

Prerequisites:  Graduate standing in electrical engineering or consent of instructor and advisor

Course Description:  Covers the fundamentals of timing, terrestrial location and navigation with an emphasis on practical exposure to the technology. Key components include: GPS fundamentals; an overview of inertial navigation technology; principles of strapdown inertial navigation systems including coordinate frames, attitude representation, and mechanization in various coordinate frames; sensor technology covering a wide range of accelerometers and gyroscopes; sensor specifications and characterization; testing and calibration approaches; effects of inertial sensor error and compensation methods; introduction to unmanned systems; analysis of real sensor data and simulation and modeling using MATLAB/Simulink.


Course Outcomes:  Students enrolled in the course will be able to


Academic Honesty:  New Mexico Tech’s Academic Honesty Policy for undergraduate and graduate students is found in the catalog - Further information about academic honesty can be found on the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs website - You are responsible for knowing, understanding, and following this policy.

Reasonable Accommodations:  New Mexico Tech is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and providing access and full participation in the educational experience.  Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations are invited to make their needs known to the Office for Student Access Services (SAS) as soon as possible.  Accommodations are not retroactive and may take some time to implement. Contact SAS in person at Fidel Center Room 245, call 575-835-6209, email or through the website -

Counseling Services:  New Mexico Tech offers individual and couples counseling, safety assessments, crisis intervention, outreach and consultations through the Counseling Center. These confidential services are provided free of charge by licensed professionals. For more information on how to access services, please call 575-835-6619, email or visit the website - .

Respect Statement:  New Mexico Tech supports freedom of expression within the parameters of a respectful learning environment.  As stated in the New Mexico Tech Guide to Conduct and Citizenship:  “New Mexico Tech’s primary purpose is education, which includes teaching, research, discussion, learning, and service. An atmosphere of free and open inquiry is essential to the pursuit of education. Tech seeks to protect academic freedom and build on individual responsibility to create and maintain an academic atmosphere that is a purposeful, just, open, disciplined, and caring community.”

COVID-19 and Other Health-related Safety Issues for Face-to-Face Instruction:  Provisions on masks, vaccines or other possible COVID-related requirements are subject to change as the situation evolves, based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the State of New Mexico, and university officials (i.e., the President and the Board of Regents).  For the most up-to-date guidelines, please consult NMT’s COVID-19 information page:

Students should not come to class if they are feeling ill and should follow any quarantine guidelines that they are given in the event of exposure to COVID-19. If you are sick, you should contact your instructor immediately with a request for making up any missed work and assignments, contact the Student Health Center, and consider getting tested for COVID-19 (as applicable). Please note the Student Health Center does not provide sick notes to students who are not seen by them. 

Title IX Reporting:  Sexual misconduct, sexual violence and other forms of sexual misconduct and gender-based discrimination are contrary to the University’s mission and core values, violate university policies, and may also violate state and federal law (Title IX).  Faculty members are considered “Responsible Employees” and are required to report incidents of these prohibited behaviors.  Any such reports should be directed to Tech’s Title IX Coordinator (Dr. Peter Phaiah, 122 West Hall, 575-835-5953 (O), 575-322-0001 (C), or filed online. Please visit the website - - for additional information and resources.

Student Success: New Mexico Tech offers numerous free peer tutoring services that include those from the Office of Student Learning (Skeen Library,, the Writing and Communication Lab (Skeen Library,, and numerous department-run centers such as those provided in Workman Center 116 by the Department of Electrical Engineering. Students may also consult the Associate Dean of Student Success, Elaine Debrine Howell ( if they are struggling in a class. To read about the services a student will need to be successful, visit the website -