EE 211 - Fall 2016

EE 211: Circuits and Signals I

(this page will be updated throughout the semester)

Instructor: Kevin Wedeward (Workman 221, 835-5708,,

Class Syllabus/Webpage:

Class Time/Place: MWF 10:00am-10:50am in Workman Center 113

Office Hours: MWF 09:00am-10:00am, MWF 11:00am-12:00pm


Prerequisites: MATH 132 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry II); EE 101 (Introduction to Electrical Engineering) or junior standing

Corequisite: None

Course Description from Catalog: Principles of electrical circuit analysis. Kirchhoff's laws, equivalent circuits, dependent sources, node and mesh analyses, signals, RLC components. Introductory circuits and operational amplifier circuits as examples.

Topics: Selected from chapters 1-6, 8, 9 of textbook.

  • Ohm's Law for resistors
  • Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
  • Independent and dependent sources
  • Instantaneous power and passive sign convention
  • Nodal analysis and mesh analysis
  • Operational amplifier (op amp) with ideal assumptions
  • Thevenin's Theorem and Norton's Theorem
  • Voltage-current relationships for inductors and capacitors
  • Analysis of RLC circuits to find differential equations
  • Solution of differential equations using classical (time-domain) techniques
  • AC (sinusoidal steady-state) analysis
  • AC power

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to

  1. analyze circuits by applying voltage-current relationships for elements and basic laws such that algebraic equations or differential equations are found to relate voltages and/or currents to inputs/sources (constant, sinusoidal, switched, ...);
  2. solve systems of linear equations and linear differential equations using classical (time-domain) techniques;
  3. recognize when a circuit may be analyzed using AC analysis, represent the circuit appropriately in the frequency-domain, and analyze the circuit such that voltages and currents are determined; and
  4. calculate instantaneous power and/or AC power absorbed by an element.


  • Homework: 15%
    • Typically assigned every other class.
    • Collaboration is encouraged, but the work turned in must be your own.
    • Homework should be neatly written with all steps clearly shown, single-sided and stapled when multiple pages.
    • Late homework is not accepted.
  • Four exams (including final exam): 85%

Reading Assignments:

  • Chapter 1 (08/22/2016)
  • Chapter 2 (08/29/2016)
  • Chapter 3 (09/14/2016)
  • Chapter 4 (10/05/2016)
  • Chapter 5 (10/17/2016)
  • Chapter 6 (10/26/2016)
  • Chapter 8 (11/07/2016)
  • Section 9.1 (11/30/2016)


  1. Due Beginning of Class (BoC) F 08/26/2016 M 08/29/2016: Problems 1.10, 1.11
  2. Due BoC F 09/02/2016: DE 1.8, DE 1.9 by any method, DE 1.11, P 1.29 (c) also finding powers absorbed by all elements, P 1.47 (a)
  3. Due BoC M 09/12/2016: DE 2.7 with reference and v1 interchanged, also finding current leaving + terminal of 3V source; P 2.6 also finding power absorbed by 6A source; P 2.10; P 2.11
  4. Due BoC F 09/16/2016 W 09/21/2016: P 2.1 finding CW mesh-currents and i1, i2, i3, i4 as labeled; DE 2.7 finding CW mesh-currents and current leaving + terminal of 3V source; P 2.6 finding CW mesh-currents and power absorbed by 6A source; P 2.29
  5. Due BoC M 09/26/2016: P 3.5, P 3.8, P 3.11, P 3.16
  6. Due BoC W 10/05/2016: P 3.24, P 3.25, P 3.34, P 3.39
  7. Due BoC M 10/10/2016: P 3.59, P 3.62, P 3.64
  8. Due BoC W 10/19/2016: DE 4.7, P 4.6, P 4.15, P 4.53, P 4.54 (a)
  9. Due BoC M 10/24/2016: DE 4.19, P 4.72, P 4.80
  10. Due BoC W 11/02/2016: P 5.38, P 5.42, P 5.43, P 5.50
  11. Due BoC M 11/07/2016: P 6.24, P 6.35 with vs = 1 - u(t) + 4e-3tu(t), P 6.40
  12. Due BoC F 11/11/2016: P 6.29, 6.42; for underdamped responses, write using sines and cosines
  13. Due BoC W 11/16/2016: P 8.2 (note forced response); P 8.11 c, f, h; P 8.17 c, f, h; P 8.18 c, f, h
  14. Due BoC W 11/30/2016: P 8.21, P 8.24, P 8.28 a, P 8.31
  15. Due BoC M 12/05/2016: P 8.35, P 8.41, P 8.45
  16. Due BoC F 12/09/2016: P 9.4 finding average and reactive power absorbed by each element including source

Counseling and Disability Services:

  • Reasonable Accommodations - New Mexico Tech is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities. Qualified individuals who require reasonable accommodations are invited to make their needs known to the Office of Counseling and Disability Services (OCDS) as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment, please call 835-6619.
  • Counseling Services - New Mexico Tech offers mental health and substance abuse counseling through the Office of Counseling and Disability Services. The confidential services are provided free of charge by licensed professionals. To schedule an appointment, please call 835-6619.

Academic Honesty:

  • New Mexico Tech’s Academic Honesty Policy for undergraduate students is found starting on page 64 of the NMT Undergraduate Catalog,
  • You are expected to act with integrity and are responsible for knowing, understanding, and following this policy.

Respect Statement: New Mexico Tech supports freedom of expression within the parameters of a respectful learning environment. As stated in the New Mexico Tech Guide to Conduct and Citizenship: “New Mexico Tech’s primary purpose is education, which includes teaching, research, discussion, learning, and service. An atmosphere of free and open inquiry is essential to the pursuit of education. Tech seeks to protect academic freedom and build on individual responsibility to create and maintain an academic atmosphere that is a purposeful, just, open, disciplined, and caring community.”