What is Votebuilder?

Votebuilder, simply put, is a suite of voter contact tools built around a centralized database of voter information. We use this data to make important campaign and field decisions to ultimately turn out voters and win elections.

Campaigns are limited on three crucial resources: time, money, and personnel. We want to run smart, efficient, and effective campaigns that maximize these resources.

  • Even in small districts, it’s nearly impossible to talk to every single voter

  • Even in top-dollar races, it’s nearly impossible to engage every single voter

  • Even in high-profile, high-dollar races, it’s nearly impossible to reach 100% voter turnout

The key to maximizing these resources is to determine:

  • Who we need to talk to?

  • When is the best time to talk to them?

  • What is the most effective conversation we can have with them?

We make these decisions using data. Votebuilder helps us characterize our voters, manage different phases of a field program, and track effectiveness.