These videos are meant as a quick reference. If you would like to do a PD on this tool to earn Flex Time, go to the Professional Development tab.

How Pear Deck Works

Pear Deck is an educational technology company offering a web-based application to K–12 schools and teachers.

Getting Started with Pear Deck

In this Quick Tip video, learn how to set up your Pear Deck account and discover resources available from the home screen.

Create a Pear Deck Lesson in Google Slides

Just getting started with Pear Deck? In this Quick Tip video, learn how to create a new Pear Deck lesson using the Pear Deck Add-on for Google Slides.

Add Questions to an Existing Lesson

Have a lesson ready to go, but know it would be better with Pear Deck magic? In this Quick Tip video, learn how to quickly add interactivity and formative assessments to your existing Google Slides lessons.

Presenting a Pear Deck

Your lesson is ready to go, now let's get those students engaged! From launching your presentation on the Projector to getting students to join your session, here's a quick overview on how to present with Pear Deck.

Managing Student Responses

Pear Deck gives you multiple ways to manage student responses. Share them with the class, highlight standout answers or misconceptions, time and lock responses, and hide inappropriate responses—all in real-time.

Use the Teacher Dashboard

The Pear Deck Teacher Dashboard gives you superpowers! Did you know you can launch your Dashboard from your phone or tablet? Once you know, you're free to roam the class while keeping the lesson moving and students on task.

How to Use the Slide Library

Our team of educators created the Formative Assessment Templates in our Slide Library. These pre-made templates are organized to support student engagement from bell ringers to exit tickets. Here's a quick overview of how to use them.

Student-Paced Mode

Pear Deck is often used to engage students in a lesson in real time. But you can also give a Pear Deck lesson to a student who missed class, flip your lesson, differentiate or scaffold instruction during class, and more!

Capture Teachable Moments

Add new questions to your Pear Deck presentation on the fly! This helps you extend the discussion when a great question comes up, check in with students, or ask the same question again to collect new responses.

Student Takeaways

A Pear Deck Takeaway is a notes document for your students. After you finish presenting your Pear Deck lesson, you can choose to publish Takeaways for each student in the Session. Doing so creates a Google Doc in the student's Drive with slides from the lesson and their answers!

Immersive Reader Integration

In this Quick Tip video, we introduce the beta launch of our integration with Immersive Reader: a service developed by Microsoft that encourages reading and improves comprehension with a full set of proven literacy-enhancing features.

Pear Deck + Google Meet

In this Quick Tip video, learn how to use Pear Deck and Google Meet to support e-learning in a remote classroom.