Canvas Tips

What If Scores on Canvas New.mp4

"What If" Scores on Canvas

Here's a feature you may want to share with students (you cannot do this feature, except in cases where you're a student--only them!).  The "What-If" Grades tool allows students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for any and all assignments. This is great for goal setting for all students, and it may be a feature our high achiever students may want to be privy to, and it also is a feature that may be good for a student who is academically in danger.

Students should click on "Grades" and then enter their "What-If" Grade. To test a different score for an assignment, students can click an assignment grade and enter a score in the score column.

Canvas Assignments: Direct Share (Send To vs Copy To)

As you're building your Canvas courses, remember that you can share content with anyone in the district by clicking "Send To" on your assignments page. Once you've sent something, or want to receive something they've sent to you, click on your Account in the left global navigation menu and then click "Shared Content" to import what you've been given.

If you teach multiple courses or want to post an assignment in multiple places, click on "Copy to" so you can post the assignment in multiple places. 

Quick Recap: "Send To" is a way to send an assignment, page, etc to a colleague. "Copy To" is if you want to re-post in multiple places within your own courses.

Edit Assignment Dates on Canvas/Batch Edit)

Did you know that you can adjust all of your assignments on one page without having to click on each individual assignment? 

My favorite hidden feature? You can "Batch Edit" dates meaning you can move all dates automatically by a certain amount of dates. Let's say you lost 3 days because of snow can shift all of your assignments over by that amount of days. Keep in mind weekends are included, so do your math carefully. You can also just adjust each assignment as you go if that's easier for you.

How to Batch Edit

On the same Edit Assignments Page, check the box on the left to select all content, then click "Batch Edit."