






In England

In Wales

In 2013, INVOLVE carried out a review of existing work on principles and standards for Public Involvement (PI) in NHS, public health and social care research.  A series of projects then led to the development of INVOLVE’s Public Involvement in Research Values and Principles Framework

In 2015, the NIHR strategic review of PI included the following recommendation:

“Culture: The NIHR should commission the development of a set of values, principles and standards for public involvement. These must be co-produced with the public and other partners. They should be framed in such a way, and with a clear set of self-assessment criteria, so that organisations across the NIHR see their adoption as integral to their continuous improvement in public involvement.”  Going the Extra Mile report 

In March 2016, an NIHR workshop brought together a group of PI practitioners and involved public contributors to explore how best take this forward.  A slide set and workshop report (full and summary) outline views from participants and suggested next steps. 

In Wales, work on standards was initiated by Health and Care Research Wales' Public Delivery Board. Health and Care Research Wales provides an infrastructure to support and increase capacity in Research and Development (R&D), runs a range of responsive funding schemes and manages the NHS R&D funding allocation. It is funded and overseen by the Welsh Government’s Research and Development Division. The Public Delivery Board is chaired by an independent member of the public and members of the public form the majority of Board membership. The Board is responsible for providing strategic advice to Health and Care Research Wales in relation to the public’s role in health and social care research.

This advice is informed by a set of principles for engaging and involving the public of Wales in research. These core principles underpin all Health and Care Research Wales activity and shape its approach to public engagement and involvement. Health and Care Research Wales would like to operationalise these principles and develop a set of standards, guidance and support that can be used in its funded research infrastructure as well as potentially more widely across Wales, through academic, voluntary and social care organisations

The Partnership

In July 2016, after a round of initial discussions with colleagues in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales the UK Standards Development Partnership ('The Partnership') was convened to develop a set of core standards for public involvement in research. 

Find out more:

Early development: The Partnership's work from July 2016 until the launch of the standards in March 2018. 

Consultation on draft standards in 2017: Summary consultation report and archived documents.

Literature consulted  - The standards are built on the work of many other organisations and groups. We have collated all the resourced used by the Partnership in this section.