Resources and Support

In this section of the website, we have collated new and existing support and resources to help people use and apply the UK Standards for Public Involvement. 

Please note this section will not be updated regularly. If you find any broken links, please contact the NIHR at

This image shows the front page of the implementation stories booklet

UK Standards Implementation Stories 

We have worked in partnership with the UK Standards Test Bed sites to develop implementation stories based on the experiences of the test beds. We hope that these showcase different experiences of applying the UK Standards in a range of contexts

Resources to support working towards the UK Standards

These resources are intended for use with the UK Standards for Public Involvement in Research.  They do not reflect all the potential resources available, but have been selected to illustrate the different settings for public involvement in research.  

The resources include; guidance and practical guides, templates and examples, websites and the the occasional academic paper.  

This section was last updated on 01 June 2021.

Resources that can be used for the whole set of UK Standards

Click on the arrow on the right side of this box to access more information and links.

Cancer Research UK: Patient Involvement Toolkit for Researchers (2018)

Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership: Patient and public involvement in quality improvement (2017)


Imperial College London: A Rough Guide to Patient & Public Involvement (2020)

NIHR Research Design Service: Patient and Public Involvement Handbook (2018) 


Sense about Science: Public engagement: a practical guide (2017)

University of the West of England: Practical Guide for Patient and public involvement in antimicrobial medicines development research (2018)

Health and Care Research Wales, UK Standards for Public Involvement one-hour training package (2021)

Resources that are specific to each UK Standard

Click on the arrow on the right side of this box to access more information and links.


Model: Public involvement in setting research priorities and questions (James Lind Alliance, 2021)

Toolkit: Increasing participation of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups in health and social care research (NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands, 2018)

Toolkit: Increasing participation of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups in health and social care research (Centre for BME Health)

Toolkit: INCLUDE - Better Healthcare Through More Inclusive Research (NIHR, 2020)

Resource: Involving children and young people in research: Top tips and essential key issues for researchers (NIHR, 2021)

Resource: PPI - top tips leaflets and podcasts for engaging with various communities (East Midlands Academic Health Science Network, 2017)

Resource: Tips for researchers involving unpaid carers in health and care research (NIHR, 2023)

Resource: Tips for carers to get and stay involved in health and care research (NIHR, 2023)

Example: Different volunteering and involvement opportunities (MIND, 2021)

Guidance: Accessibility Checklist (Scottish Health Council, 2014)

Guidance: Different experiences: A framework for considering who might be involved in research (NIHR, 2021)

Guidance: Being inclusive in public involvement in health and care research (NIHR, 2021)

Guidance: Government guidelines on writing about ethnicity (UK Government, 2018)


Guidance: Payment guidance for researchers and professionals, (NIHR, 2021)


Guidance: Budgeting for Participation (NHS England, 2015)

Example: Video ‘how to communicate effectively on an advisory panel’ (Consumers United for Evidence , 2018)


Resource: Learning for Involvement (NIHR)

Network: NHS Public Engagement Practitioners' Network (NHS England)

Training: Public Involvement Training (Imperial College London)

Article: Co-producing public involvement training with members of the public and research organisations in the East Midlands: creating, delivering and evaluating the lay assessor training programme (2017)


Guidance: Co-producing a Research Project (NIHR, 2021)

Guidance: Considerations for planning, pages 12, 13, and 14, NIHR Research Design Service Patient and Public Involvement Handbook (NIHR Research Design Service, 2018)

Resource: Co-production in action: number one (NIHR, 2021)

Resource: Co-production in action: number two (NIHR, 2019)

Resource: Co-production in action: number three (NIHR, 2021)

Resource: 4Pi National Involvement Standards (National Survivor User Network)

Example: The Consumer’s Role in Cochrane and associated leaflet (Cochrane Consumer Network)


Guidance and resources: Writing plain English summaries, NIHR (2021)


Guidance: Accessible Information Standard, NHS England (2017)

Guidance: The 7 Graphic design principles of public health infographic design (Improve Academy)


Guidance: Do’s and don’ts for approaching accessibility from a design perspective, Home Office Digital (2016)

Guidance: Public engagement: a practical guide (involving the public in communicating research findings), Sense about Science (2017)

Example: Writing a Communications Strategy, Presentation, Victoria Pearson, Senior Communications Planning Manager, Oxford University (2016)

Guidance: Feedback from researchers to Patient and Public Involvement contributors, Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Research and Care, East of England (2018)


Example: Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Strategy 2018-2022, Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility

Example: Patient and Public Participation Policy, NHS England (2017) 

Example: NIHR Committee Role Description (NIHR, 2020)

Example: Public Co-Chair Role Description and Person Specification (NIHR, 2021)

Guidance: Governance for Participation, NHS England (2015) 


Guidance: Guidance on evaluating public involvement in research (People in Health West England, 2018)

Guidance: Capturing the impact of involvement in research: Some things to consider (Shared Learning Group on Involvement)

Example: Framework for mapping and evaluating patient and public involvement experiences in research  (Open Access, 2017)

Example: Impact Report that includes patient stories  (Cancer Research UK, 2017) 

Resource: Public Impact Assessment Framework (2014)  

Reporting checklist: GRIPP2 to improve reporting of patient and public involvement in research checklists (2017) 

Toolkit:  Public Involvement in Research Impact Toolkit (PIRIT) (2023)

How were these resources sourced?

We wanted to collate and provide supporting resources for the whole UK Standards set, and for each specific standard where they were available.  We have tried to select resources that meet the following criteria: 

The list of resources was checked for consistency and accuracy but not verified for quality. If you have any suggestions for adding to this page, please contact