Annual Appraisal Process

Click on the links below to view the recording and presentation from the  Line Manager's Forum held on 15.2.2023

 Line Managers Forum: Annual Appraisal recording 

Line Managers Forum: Annual Appraisal presentation 

CRN WM Appraisal Form

Please download and complete the form here and send to your line manager in advance of your appraisal.

CRN WM Appraisal Process

Please click here for the CRNWM Appraisal Guidance Notes

CRN WM One to One template Form

Please copy and complete the form here for use in your one to one conversations

‘new employee conversations’ and ‘Stay conversations’ 

Stay Conversation Template

New Employee 30, 60 and 90 day Conversation Template

Stay conversations are discussions that take place with individuals to help understand how the staff member is feeling, their current motivations and any concerns they might have. These are in addition to the ‘new employee conversations’.


The aim of a ‘stay’ conversation is to gain insight into the new starter’s experience so far and see if this matches their expectations of the role.


Managers should formally schedule ‘new employee conversations’ at 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days post start date. Stay conversations should be carried out on an annual basis -some six months after Appraisal. They should last for around 20-30 minutes. Should an individual express thoughts about leaving, the frequency may need to be increased. This will allow more opportunity for them to share their thoughts and concerns and for managers to identify if any supportive interventions or actions can be taken.


The nature of the conversation is positive and is aimed at developing a supportive culture of trust, respect, and increased staff engagement. The conversations are not designed to be reactive and occur only if problems arise, nor should they address performance issues. In a conversational manner, they should uncover any thoughts about leaving or staying in the current role, allowing any issues to be ‘nipped in the bud’ before the person formally considers resigning.


Watch this video from Adam Race, Interim Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development, to learn more.


Look through the below guides for further information:


Email any queries :