Associate PI Toolkit

Guidance Documents for Associate PIs

Below is a series of guidance documents for those who are already taking part in the Associate PI Scheme, or those people who are considering taking part. They will provide more guidance about the time commitment involved, how to complete your checklist, how to interact with your Local PI, etc.  We highly recommend that you read all of these documents.

Click on the folder icon to access the documents.

Taking part in the Associate PI Scheme

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This document will give you general guidance on taking part in the Associate PI Scheme

Interacting with your Local Principal Investigator (PI)

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This document will provide you with guidance on how to interact with your Local PI, who will be there to mentor and support you. 

Interacting with the National Study Representative

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This document will provide you with guidance on how to interact with the National Study Team, who are responsible for the running of the study at a National Level. 

Completing the Associate PI Scheme Checklist

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The document will provide you with guidance on how to complete your Checklist, including how to best evidence your activities.

Completing the Associate PI Scheme Learning Pathway in NIHR Learn

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This document will provide you with guidance on how to complete the 6-month Associate PI Scheme Learning Pathway in NIHR Learn.

Evidencing your work, getting it signed off, and submitting your checklist

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This document will provide you with guidance on how to evidence your activities on your Checklist, getting it signed off, and how to submit it in NIHR Learn.

Next steps after the Associate PI Scheme for Associate PI Scheme Alumni 

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Coming Soon

What to do if you can no longer continue your tenure on the Associate PI Scheme

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This document will provide you with guidance on what to do if you can no longer take part in the Associate PI Scheme, and who to contact.

Associate PI Scheme Glossary

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This document is a glossary of terms that you will come across within the rest of the guidance.