Third 9 weeks
“This curriculum map is a constantly monitored and edited document by building specific administration and teachers. Changes may occur throughout the school year to stay updated with state requirements. Any questions regarding content should be directed towards the teacher of your child’s class or content area.”
On Wednesdays in January we focus on learning the basics of kickball---kick and run the bases! We also learn how to maneuver the scooters and play with ribbon sticks
Week 1--back on track---jogging, grinch tag, dodge ball, review expectations ---dance warm ups
Unit 5---we focus on learning the words dribble, protect, steal and shoot the ball
week 2---we learn ball handling drills---just fun drills to help them get a feel for the ball and get comfortable with it
week 3---we learn how to dribble---get low, hand below your waist, push the ball not smack it
week 4---we learn how to pass---step and push. Mainly against the wall this week. Reviewing all other skills
week 5---we learn how to shoot the ball (not granny shots) and review all other skills
week 6---verbal quiz to check for understanding of dribble, protect, steal, pass, and shoot the ball
On Wednesdays in February---we do our Kids Heart Challenge rotations...we practice jumping the hula hoop and then I introduce the jump rope to them. They rotate through the other specials learning about their heart, heart healthy activities, and more!
Unit 6---Kids Heart Challenge, Heart Health, and 4th jogging test---PINK
Week 7---Jogging test #4---PINK---re-take basketball verbal test----free time
Week 8---jogging re-takes---scooters, balloons, ribbon sticks, plank challenge
Week 9---Wrap up jump roping, double dutch, etc plus American Heart Association Dance Videos
Performs dance (rhythmic) activities in response to teacherled creative activities. (K1.3.A)
Performs emerging pattern in nonlocomotor skills (such as bend, twist, turn, sway, stretch) in exploratory and a stable environment. (K.1.4.A)
Maintains momentary balance (such as wide, narrow, curled and twisted body shapes) on different bases of support (such as walking on the floor). (K.1.5.A) (bear crawl, crab walk and more)
Dribbles a ball with one hand, attempting the second contact. (K.1.10.A)
Demonstrates an emerging pattern while passing or kicking from a stationary position, demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature kicking pattern. (K.1.11.A)
Volleys a lightweight object (such as a balloon), sending it upward with an open palm. (K.1.14.A)
Executes a single jump with self-turned rope. (K.1.16.A)
Differentiates between movement in personal space and general space at a slow to moderate speed. (K.2.1.A)
Travels in three different pathways (such as moving in various patterns: straight, curved). (K.2.2.A)
Travels in general space with different speeds (such as traveling at various speeds in skill development activities). (K.2.3.A)
These standards are taught daily if at all possible---
Performs emerging patterns in locomotor skills while maintaining balance . (K.1.1.A)
Perform mature patterns in locomotor skills (walk). (K1.1.B)
Recognizes active play opportunities outside physical education class. (K.3.1.A)
Actively participates in physical education class. (K.3.2.A)
Follows directions in group settings (such as safe behaviors, following rules, taking turns). (K.4.1.A)
Demonstrates responsible behavior when prompted. (K.4.1.B)
Follows instruction/directions when prompted. (K.4.2.A
Shares equipment and space with others. (K.4.3.A)
Recognizes the established protocols for class activities. (K.4.4.A)
Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal reminders. (K.4.5.A)
Recognizes that physical activity is important for good health. (K.5.1.A)
Understands that some physical activities are challenging. (K.5.2.A)
Identifies physical activities that are enjoyable. (K.5.3.A)