Third 9 weeks 

“This curriculum map is a constantly monitored and edited document by building specific administration and teachers. Changes may occur throughout the school year to stay updated with state requirements. Any questions regarding content should be directed towards the teacher of your child’s class or content area.”


On Wednesdays in January we focus on learning the basics of kickball---kick and run the bases!   We add in catching the ball and throwing the ball to get the outs.   

Week 1--back on track---jogging, grinch tag, dodge ball, review expectations 

Unit 5---we focus on learning the words dribble, protect, steal, pass and shoot the ball

    week 2---we learn ball handling drills---just fun drills to help them get a feel for the ball and get comfortable with it

                         we learn how to dribble---get low, hand below your waist, push the ball not smack it

                         we  learn how to walk/run and dribble---then we play dribble tag

    week 3---review all other skills.  adding dribbling 2 balls at once

                         we learn how to pass---start against the wall then add...chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass

   week 4---we learn how to shoot the ball (not granny shots) and review all other skills

play steal the cone game

   week 5---verbal quiz to check for understanding of dribble, protect, steal, pass, and shoot the ball

                        practice all skills

   week 6---verbal quiz to check for understanding of dribble, protect, steal, pass, and shoot the ball

dribble tag, steal the cone, and free play

On Wednesdays in February---we do our Kids Heart Challenge rotations...we practice jumping the hula hoop and then I introduce the jump rope to them.  They rotate through the other specials learning about their heart, heart healthy activities, and more!

Unit 6---Kids Heart Challenge, Heart Health, and 4th jogging test---PINK

Week 7---Jogging test #4---PINK---re-take basketball verbal test----free time

Week 8---jogging re-takes---nutrition, plank challenge, games

Week 9---Wrap up jump roping, double dutch, etc plus American Heart Association Dance Videos


Jumps forward or backward consecutively using a self-turned rope. (1.1.16.A) 

Jumps with a long rope up to five times consecutively with teacher assisted turning. (1.1.16.B) 

Dribbles continuously in personal space using the preferred hand. (1.1.10.A)

moves in personal space and general space in response to designated beats/rhythms. (1.2.1.A)

Responds appropriately to general feedback from the teacher. (1.4.2.A)

Works independently with others in a variety of class activities (such as small and large groups). (1.4.3.A)

Demonstrates following rules and protocols for class activities. (1.4.4.A)

Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal teacher reminders. (1.4.5.A)

Travels demonstrating low, middle, and high levels. (1.2.2.A) 

Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (such as over, under, around, through). (1.2.2.B) 

Differentiates between movements that are fast and slow speeds, and with strong and light force. (1.2.3.A) 

Actively engages in physical education class. (1.3.2.A) 

Identifies the heart as a muscle that grows stronger when you exercise, play, and are physically active. (1.3.3.A) 

Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy foods. (1.3.6.A) 

Explains “My Plate” (such as matching foods to food groups). (1.3.6.B) 

Recognizes that challenge in physical activities can lead to success (such as learning a new game or activity). (1.5.2.A 

Student Objectives: "I can"
