Upcoming Events

Wellbeing Week 2023 (6 February to 10 February)

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Wellbeing Week is coming soon! It will be an opportunity to take time to reflect on how we look after ourselves, assess what areas we do well in, and discover what more we can do to further look after our wellbeing. (Even though wellbeing is certainly something we should always be focused on, not just during one week of a year!)

Wellbeing Week will officially start on Monday, 6th February (next week). During this week, we have many activities planned for the whole community (see below on what's installed for you and your child/ward). As part of our Care for self and Care for others, one of the activities planned is having therapy animals on site on 7th February Tuesday Morning. These animals range from dogs to horses- and yes, there are therapy horses! Learners (selected classes) can choose to have interactions with trained animals, facilitated by a human handler or therapist. 

Please be assured that learners may opt out if they have allergy or fear of animals. The animals will be contained in a specific area and all contact will be planned. Learners will not be left unsupervised with the animals. When the animals are not working, they will be under the supervision of designated staff, in an authorized area. If you may have concerns, please do email the class teacher directly. You may also view these websites for further information:

https://aai.sg/ and https://healinghorsessingapore.org/

Thank you.

Lachlan MacKinnon


Information may be subject to change, please check with Learners Services for any queries

Support the Y12 CAS Project for Cambodia

On Wednesday 8th February, all Year 12 learners are involved in a fundraising event to raise money for resources and equipment for a school in Cambodia.

The Year 12 CAS trip will be travelling to the school in Kong Maha in May to help develop and support the learning and resources of the school. We have been supporting this school for 3 years and look forward to continuing to do so. 

In line with our Wellbeing week, the Year 12's aim to support the wellbeing of the Cambodian school through your contributions.

Mrs Joanna Bevan

Some photos at the school in Cambodia with our previous Y12 Learners. 

Mrs Joanna Bevan

Bugsy Malone

Save the date for our Secondary school production of 'Bugsy Malone'!

With a cast of 50+ learners including a live band and a team of awesome tech crew, this show is already on its way to delighting the audience with its its spoofy satirical jokes, mind-blowing choreography and dazzling costumes! 

Evening Shows

Term 3 Parent Workshops

Wednesday, 8 February 2023 - 08:30

Adolescent Health: Mental & Physical Development Parents Should Be Aware Of

Our guest speaker, Dr Neil, is a British GP known for his balanced support of both parents and children.

In this talk focusing on tweens/teens, Dr Neil will cover topics such as mental health, eating disorders, bodily changes, HPV vaccine, the developing teen brain, moodiness, ADHD and neurodiversity, what is deemed as ‘normal’ behaviour and when to seek external support.

There will be plenty of time for Q & A’s. Join us and find out more about adolescent parenting!

Friday, 10 February 2023 - 08:30

Supporting Your Child To Develop Resilience

Join us for a special workshop about supporting your child in developing resilience. Our guest speaker, Paul McGee, will share tools and strategies for supporting your children with their needs, and even the needs that we have for ourselves. 

With a background in psychology, Paul aims to deliver a practical, relevant message that can make an immediate impact on people’s personal and professional lives. His approach is inspirational and humorous as he seeks to deliver a memorable experience to equip people with insights and ideas to increase their personal effectiveness and impact.

Wednesday, 22 February 2023 - 08:30

How can we support behaviour in a non-punitive way? 

Nexus aspires for all learners to achieve the highest academic levels possible, which entails maximum engagement in learning opportunities. Furthermore, Nexus aspires to be a highly supportive and relational community where every individual feels belonging, which entails highly respectful and caring behaviours. This workshop starts by exploring how we can set up learners for success in terms of their engagement and behaviours. We then look at how we may respond effectively in a non-punitive way when engagement and/or behaviour is less than what is expected. This will be an active workshop in which participants are asked to engage in some activities and exchange ideas. 

Wednesday, 1 March 2023 - 08:30

PYP: Scope & Sequences

The Curriculum! Transition to MYP

This workshop will look at the scope and sequence documents that underpin our Programme of Inquiry. We will delve into what scope and sequence documents are and how these documents are used. We will look at how teaching teams use these documents to plan and how the curriculum underpins our units of inquiry. Finally we will look at the key similarities between PYP and MYP, including subject specific focus and key programme elements such as the ATLs and Learner Profile.

Wednesday, 15 March 2023 - 08:30

Book Week Special Event: Supporting Early Readers

Feeling safe and building confidence is the key to the success of early-stage readers. Join our teacher librarian Karen Melski and Early Year Lead Teacher Karen Orlowski as they share their knowledge and practical tips on how to support your young readers on their journey towards a lifelong love of reading.

Learner Conferences