Physical and Health Education

Hello Feburary!

Date for your diaries: Monday 20th March, Year 7,8,9 Sports Day.

Make sure all learners are ready to go in a House coloured t-shirt (check on the Parent Portal if you are not sure which House you’re in). Mascots, face paint, coloured socks, accessories and so on from your House colour are all encouraged!

7B have been collaborating with Mrs Melski in the Library (photo below) to learn about the importance of effective research skills. This is their Approach to Learning for the unit: #Smooth_Swimming to help them set appropriate SMART goals. 

We have been particularly impressed with the success of our new Year 8 unit: Aqua Art (Synchronised Swimming), and we are looking forward to seeing their final performances. For this unit, 8W and their teacher PHE Mr. Carter have also been joined by Coach Robert who is new to Nexus.

Below are some photos of the learners in action during the last two weeks.