Physical and Health Education

Welcome back to PHE!

It is wonderful to welcome the learners back to school and also meet the new learners. We have also welcomed a new PHE teacher to the Nexus family, Mr. Frank Carter who comes with a wealth of sporting, PYP and MYP knowledge. He is originally from the UK, but has experience teaching in Singapore, Beijing and Seoul so far. We also welcome to the team Mrs. Iffa Siraj, as the Primary PHE assistant. Her background is in Early Childhood Education in Singapore, enjoys tennis and loves seeing children grow and develop. We are all delighted that restrictions have eased even more, it’s so lovely to see those smiley faces being active and playing sports.

Our youngest learners have moved into the new FUNdamentals space and are thoroughly enjoying their time exploring the equipment and new challenges. Years 1-6 are all starting the year with an Adventure Challenge unit, where we get to know each other better, practise our communication skills, conflict resolution, inclusion and cooperation. These basic skills of respect, integrity and understanding what a great team looks like, feels like and sounds like, sets our learners up for a great year ahead. In the pool, learners have started the year creating essential agreements around water safety and class collaboration. The first few sessions will be assessing our learners and setting goals.

The Year 7’s are learning all about the ins and outs of all things MYP and are enjoying getting stuck into their first units of either Solo Superstars (Athletics), Space Invaders (Invasion Games) or Gym-Tastic! (Gymnastics). We have been very impressed with their enthusiasm and motivation so far.

Having completed their first year of the MYP last year, the Year 8’s are now familiar with the language and assessments involved in the MYP, and are tackling the first units; Big Hitters (Striking and Fielding Games), Going for Gold (Athletics) and Just Dance (Cultural Dance).

The Year 9 learners are finishing off their last year of the English National Curriculum. Their first units are Striking and Fielding, Swimming and Athletics. We hope their passion for PHE continues, and those that are interested in furthering their knowledge and understanding of sport and the development of the human body choose IGCSE Physical Education in Year 10.

NEW this year - learners need to get changed using the changing rooms BEFORE and AFTER PHE lessons. The only time they should be wearing their Nexus PE shorts and t-shirt is during their PHE lessons OR for after-school sporting activities. Please ensure all learners have enough sets of PHE clothes (purchased via the Parent Zone on the website). If you are waiting for PHE clothes to arrive, please get your child to bring along any spare clothes for them to change into for their PHE lesson.

Here are the PHE expectations which have been shared with the learners on Canvas, the Learner Bulletin, and face-to-face in their first PHE lessons. As per the expectations, learners need to wear suitable running shoes (skate shoes, sports brand street shoes, and slip-on shoes are not acceptable).

Below are some photos of the learners in action so far:

Please get in contact if you have any questions about PHE

Primary PHE
Sarah Cole
Primary Physical and Health Education Learning Area Leader

Secondary PHE
Katy Martin
Secondary Physical and Health Education Learning Area Leader