Audition information

September 13, 2023, location to be determined.

There will be an audition workshop to help you prepare for your audition on September 13 after school, location to be announced.   The audition workshop is not required, but we encourage all to attend.

Auditions are the week of September 18th.  The Sign-Up Genius is posted on the home page of this website. Actors and singers should sign up for a slot on Monday or Tuesday, dancers should sign up for a slot on Wednesday, and musicians should sign up for a slot on Thursday.

All those who audition WILL BE CAST!

We will have limited call backs on Thursday of audition week to assist in final decisions.   You are cast in the show regardless of whether or not you have received a call-back.

Please see the Auditions Page for more information.

Sign Up Genius

Check out the audition page.

More information on specific pages linked here about Acting, Singing, Dance, and Band

Check out the audition page.

Auditions will help the directors to get a sense of which roles, songs or dances best fit you and assist them in casting. Additionally, because everyone is cast, you can gain audition practice in a low stakes setting that will hopefully help you in future auditions.  Callbacks are merely for the purpose of seeing how various performers interact.  You are still in even if you don't get a callback.

There are some links at the bottom of the acting page.


Click here to go to the schedules page.

Email the stage managers at froshcab2023@gmail.com as soon as possible.

On the schedules page, the Instagram, and your email!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that you don't see here? 

Email the Directors and Stage Managers at froshcab2023@gmail.com

Email the advisors Ms. Goldthwaite and Ms. Meszko-Cameron.



The all inclusive motto means that everyone who auditions gets in.

The cast list will be posted a few days after auditions (Anticipated: September 26th).

(Check the header on Cast Announcements to see the members of your Frosh Cabinet)

Frosh Cab 2023: Be Me

The 13th - 15th of December.

Ticket sales will be run via the the Theatre Ink website.  Tickets go on sale a few weeks before the show.  Ticket proceeds go towards the operational costs of the theatre program at Newton North High School.

The show will be performed live in the auditorium with an audience and livestreamed on YouTube.  You must buy a ticket to get the livestream link.  The links remain active for a time after the show as well.

If you need financial aide for tickets, please contact Adam Brown, TheatreInk Director.

Most likely.  Please contact Adam Brown, Lisa Goldthwaite, or Melynda Meszko-Cameron to make arrangements.

Info for parents/guardians

Please find more information here at the Theatre Ink website.

link to schedule page

link to schedule page

Please email both of us if you have a question so that you get a more timely response!

Lisa Goldthwaite: goldthwaitel@newton.k12.ma.us

Melynda Meszko-Cameron: meszkocameronm@newton.k12.ma.us 

We encourage most communication about the show to flow between the cast/crew and the directors and stage managers, however, parents may feel free to contact the faculty advisor directly with concerns.

Your child should report their tardiness or absence to the stage managers, however, if there is an emergency and they are unable to do so, you may contact the stage managers froshcab2023@gmail.com .

Infrequent absences for legitimate reasons are allowable early in the process. As we progress, attendance becomes more and more critical. Initial absences will be addressed by the directors or stage managers directly with the student. Subsequent or repeated absences will include conversation about continued participation that includes both the faculty advisor(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s).   During tech and production weeks, all absences must be cleared by a faculty advisor.

If  your child is experiencing challenges with being in a show during their first semester, please contact a faculty advisory as we may be able to make accommodations to allow them to continue in the show rather than dropping it altogether.  

Lisa Goldthwaite: goldthwaitel@newton.k12.ma.us

Melynda Meszko-Cameron: meszkocameronm@newton.k12.ma.us 

Freshman Cabaret prides itself on being an "all inclusive" show.   Freshman Cabaret's faculty advisors, Lisa Goldthwaite and  Melynda Meszko-Cameron, are special educators with Newton Public Schools. They have experience developing supports for students with a wide variety of needs in inclusive settings, including theatre, and can work with you and your child's team at school to figure out what supports will best include them in the process.   We encourage peer supports wherever possible, but, if necessary, additional adult staffing will be added.  Common accommodations include:  assigning a peer partner, simplified choreography, adjusted schedules (e.g. not performing all nights, arranging rehearsals at specific times), excusal from all cast/large group numbers, access to quiet spaces for breaks.   

Info for other faculty and staff

see the schedules page

Required Frosh Cab meetings and rehearsals are never scheduled during times designated for meeting with teachers (e.g. WIN block, Tiger Block), so students should be able to meet with you during these times.  Optional meetings may be scheduled during these times, but they are optional.

If students are not coming during WIN blocks or other times you have requested that they meet with you and giving Frosh Cab as an excuse, please email the faculty advisors Lisa Goldthwaite and  Melynda Meszko-Cameron, Adam Brown, and the student's Dean.   

If you need to meet with a student during another time, please email Lisa Goldthwaite and  Melynda Meszko-Cameron, the faculty advisors, who will work with the SMs to make sure the student is available. 

If you need to meet with them unexpectedly on short notice, please write the student an email pass to return to rehearsal/meeting to show that they were with you.  Copy the email pass to the faculty advisors, Lisa Goldthwaite and  Melynda Meszko-Cameron, and stage managers (froshcab2023@gmail.com ).

Email the faculty advisors, Lisa Goldthwaite and  Melynda Meszko-Cameron, if it is a small concern that can hopefully be resolved in the short term.  If it is a larger concern, contact the student’s dean, school counselor, AND the faculty advisors, Lisa Goldthwaite and  Melynda Meszko-Cameron, who will all work together with you to help support the student.  Please don't wait!    The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can help support the student.


Contact the stage managers in person or by email to request new copies and/or links to the practice videos.

Check out the auditions page, then scroll to the bottom for more information.

Sets, lights, sound & props: Michael Barrington-Haber, Jay Zawacki

Hair & Makeup: Nat Chaidez

Student producing, house management: teamstuprod@gmail.com

Contact any of the following people: 

Directors and Stage Managers: froshcab2023@gmail.com

Faculty Advisors: Lisa Goldthwaite and  Melynda Meszko-Cameron

A fee that covers show apparel, the cast party, and other show-related costs.   Financial assistance is available if needed.  You and your parent/guardian(s) will be emailed this information in the weeks leading up to the show - please respond promptly to make sure you can participate!

Contact teamstuprod@gmail.com with questions.