
Poem - by Cislyn Smith

I'd never spun straw into gold before

but transmutation is an easy thing

a child's trick 

for someone like me

and the poor thing 

was desperately needy

in the hands of that greedy king

(to be honest

I've never been a fan of monarchs)

so yes

I did a favor for her

a little thing

all in one night

of course I reminded her

that all magic has a cost

but know this:

it wasn't me who set the price.

I was shocked that she would offer

angry, too, thinking that she 

must be trying to cheat me

but soon I came to see

that this was for the best

if she didn't want her firstborn

then I would be all too happy 

to take the infant

to spin a home out of magic

for this unwanted babe

then she started 


for clues

for cheats

for my true name

and I knew for certain

she never intended to honor our bargain


that didn't mean she deserved

that which she offered to give away

so yes I let her guess

and yes she struggled

so hard for a name

(syllables strung together at random -

just what does she think fairy names 

sound like anyway?)

I let her think she won the little game 

but two can play at such sport

when the rules are there for bending

we were never well matched

she and I

transformation is an easy trick, as I said

and she can enjoy 

the crying feral kitten

in the royal cradle

and gloat over her victory

believing she bested me

and as for you my darling

I will never give you back

never ever

my changeling child

my little human love

not for magic, not for pity

and certainly not 

for a name