
Flash-fiction - by David Gianatasio

Arrrgh. Can’t breathe. I’m taking off my helmet.

Negative. Do not remove helmet. Return to the ship.

It’s hot inside my helmet. Outside, it’s cool and crisp.

Negative. Return to the ship.

It’s hot. So hot. I’m cracking the seal.

Negative, negative. Do not crack seal.

Can’t see through my visor. Burning up. 

Negative, Kris! Neg-a-tive.

Crisp, cool air.

Negative. Negative.

Fresh, sweet air.

It's CO2. You know that.

Sweet, fresh…

It's CO2. There’s no air for us on Mars!

Well…the Martian says there is.

Say again?

The Martian says I can take off my helmet and breathe their glorious air.

Negative. There’s no life on Mars..

I’m cracking the seal—


Cool, sweet air—

Return to the ship.

Almost got it— 

Negative! Negative!

There it goes—it’s … … … arrgggh!—

Do you copy? KRIS! A...’s so hot in the ship…need to step outside...into the cool, sweet air...