
Week 1

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English Task: (To be completed and submitted after Webex)

Learning Intention:

I am learning to make inferences

Success Criteria:

I can:

  • Use text clues

  • Use my prior knowledge

  • Explain my thinking

Whole Class Explanation:

Last term, we learnt about different comprehension strategies that good readers use to understand a text. One comprehension strategy is inferring.

Inferring means using what you see (text clues) and what you know (prior knowledge) to figure out what the author is trying to tell you.


For each picture, use the clues in the picture and what you already know to answer the questions.

Where is this boy?

How do you know?

What is the weather like?

How do you know?

What time of year is it?

How do you know?

How does the girl feel?

How do you know?

Where are the children?

How do you know?

How are they feeling?

How do you know?


For each photo, use text clues and your prior knowledge to answer the following questions:

  1. What can you see in the photo?

  2. What do you already know about these things?

  3. What do you think was happening when this photo was taken?

  4. Why do you think that?


Look at this photo and use text clues and prior knowledge to answer the following questions:

  1. What do you think the bear cubs are thinking?

  2. What clues or prior knowledge made you think that?

  3. Which cub do you think will make the best hunter?

  4. What clues or prior knowledge made you think that?

Look at this photo and use text clues and prior knowledge to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think the troll is evil?

  2. What clues or prior knowledge made you think that?

  3. How do people feel about the troll?

  4. What clues or prior knowledge made you think that?

We can also make inferences from writing. Use text clues and your prior knowledge to answer the following questions:

  1. Where did Alex's mum take him?

  2. What text clues did you use to make this inference?

  3. What prior knowledge did you use to make this inference?

Mathematics Task:

Learning Intention:

I am learning to solve open ended multiplication questions.

Success Criteria:

I can:

  • identify what the problem is asking

  • apply my multiplication knowledge

  • show my thinking

Whole Class Explanation:

When exploring multiplication we have looked at groups of, repeated addition and arrays.

Today you are going to use these strategies to find possible solutions to these problems.

Number fluency: Complete the table by reading the problem first and making an estimation, what do you think the product of each problem will be? Fill in the rest of the table by drawing and using repeated addition to find the product.


How many ways can you show these 2 problems?

Show all the ways that you can make or show these 2 problems. Use all of your multiplication knowledge.

Number fluency: Complete the table by reading the problem first and making an estimation, what do you think the product of each problem will be? Fill in the rest of the table by drawing and using repeated addition to find the product.


How many ways can you show these 2 problems?

Show all the ways that you can make or show these 2 problems. Use all of your multiplication knowledge.

Extention: Have a go at the blue groups questions for a challenge.

Number fluency: Complete the table by reading the problem first and making an estimation, what do you think the product of each problem will be? Fill in the rest of the table by drawing and using repeated addition to find the product.


Below is the product to 2 different multiplication problems.

Using your knowledge of multiplication (groups of, arrays, repeated addition) show all the ways you can have the number 15 and 20 as the product.


Learning Intention:

I am learning to investigate different games.

Success Criteria:

I can:

  • Play the game correctly

  • Describe what I like about the game

  • Describe what I would change

Whole Class Explanation:

This term our concept for QUEST is 'Designing the Future'. We will be exploring a range of different types of games and creating your own game by the end of the term.

To get us started and thinking about the different types of games around, this week you will be playing a range of games where you will be describing things that you like about the game and thinking about what you would change to improve it.


Think about all of the games you enjoy playing and choose your favourite game to play.

  1. Read the rules to your favourite game and play the game with your family.

  2. Click on the Google Doc - Games and answer the following questions in the pink column about the game you just played:

  • What was the name of your game?

  • What did you like the best about the game (try to think of some part of the game that you liked best, not winning)

  • What would you change to improve this game?