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How-to videos & Step-by-Step Instructions
Table of Contents
Reminders for March
Prepare for progress report grading:
Verify Progress Report interval is unlocked for teachers
Verify the comment bank is in place
Verify reports are in place
Prepare for marking period grading:
Verify Marking Period interval is unlocked for teachers
Verify the comment bank is in place
Verify reports are in place
Do You Need Gradebook Help?
Navigate to Attendance from Gradebook
Standards-Based Grading-Score Entry
Standards-Based Grading- Assignment Configuration
Submit Work-Based Learning Hours
Still Need Help? 🆘 Click Here to access Mindex videos for teachers
Sign Up for Our Interactive Live Training! 🗓️
MON MAR 3 - MON MAR 31 @ 5:00 PM [MINDEX On-Demand WEB]
Demand: Using Teams in SchoolTool
THU MAR 6 & MAR 13, 9-12 [WEB]
SchoolTool MS/HS Master Scheduling "Basics A to Z" PART I & II
FRI MAR 7, 10-11 [WEB]
THU MAR 27, 10-11 [WEB]
SchoolTool Course Selections Overview
Google Classroom Integration Troubleshooting
*NEW* - If you cannot see the G icon, please verify with your district database Admin that the district has a paid Google Workspace for Education Plus License.
Students must have an email in SchoolTool that is part of the district's G Suite for Education domain.
Distance Learning students who may have a different school email in SchoolTool will not sync.
If a teacher received the following Error message after clicking the Roster Sync icon: “Error processing request: An item with the same key has already been added”
Not all students have GSuite email addresses, so need to enter the missing emails
Only Assignments and Quiz Assignments in Google Classroom can be imported to SchoolTool. NOT Questions or any other “Classwork” in Google Classroom.
Assignment Scores must be "Returned" in Google Classroom before they can be imported into SchoolTool.
Currently, there are two methods to copy an assignment from one Google Classroom to another: "Reuse assignment" and "Add Assignment to additional classrooms". For the purposes of importing assignments to SchoolTool, we recommend using the "Add assignment to additional classrooms" method.
If using the "Reuse assignment" method and the assignment has already been imported into one SchoolTool grade book, then it cannot be imported to any other SchoolTool grade books.
If SchoolTool Google Classroom features were functional before, but now all users receive an error (e.g. "configuration error" or similar) when trying to use roster sync or assignment import, it is recommended to review the G-Suite service account created during the implementation of the SchoolTool Google Classroom feature. The Service Account must be both active and designated as Super Admin for SchoolTool Google Classroom features to function correctly.
In the Grade Book, when I click the G icon, there is nothing to select (it is grayed out and blank). What do I do?
Either the SchoolTool Roster has not been linked to Google, in which case Sync the Roster, then import the grades
OR the SchoolTool Roster is linked to a Google Classroom that is archived. In this case, unlink the roster then sync to the correct Google Classroom. Classes cannot be synced to courses that are archived.
Google Classroom Known Issues/Bugs
Bug 149149: Google Classroom assignments with Video Attachments will not import assignment grades
Workaround: Remove the video prior to importing assignments
Bug 149685: Apostrophe in student's SchoolTool Email does not allow the Roster Sync to add the student to the Google Classroom
Workaround: Remove the apostrophe from the student email
**Reminder! **
If your roster changes please sync your grade book again!!!
On Demand Webinars
Google Sign In & Google Classroom How-to Videos:
Grade book Videos
Discipline Videos
Legacy Gradebook Setup Videos
Legacy-Grade Book Editor Videos
Work-Based Learning Videos
*UPDATE*: Legacy Gradebook and grading areas are being phased out! Please check out the
Instruction One Pagers for Teachers
Download, print and save for a quick reference guide
**NEW** How To: Syncing with Schoology One Pager

Don't forget About the Help Icon!
Throughout SchoolTool, there are HELP icons. They automatically provide information for the screen you are on, but there is a search window that you can use to search for other topics. Many of the Help screens now include user videos!
Is it a bug?
Having technical difficulties? It could be a bug that Mindex is already aware of.... Click HERE to check our list of known bugs and workarounds.
Do you have a suggestion for improving the new grade book?
Please email us! schooltool@neric.org