NERIC SchoolTool Team
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Check back often for FAQ updates.

FAQ information is updated often to respond
to the evolving needs of our districts.

FAQ Archives

What's NEW! 

NOTE: ALL NERIC and Mindex trainings can now be found on the Trainings at a Glance page.

Student Enrollment: 8300 Compulsory Age Student, not attending, no documentation.

Regents Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS) Algebra I Course and Examination guidance. 

New FAQs

Question: How is a student enrolled with an "8300 Compulsory Age Student, not attending, no documentation" enrollment type and an unknown grade level?

ANSWER:  If the enrollment type does not exist in your drop-down menu, please call the SchoolTool team for assistance creating a new enrollment in Maintenance > Census > Enrollment Type.

Exit the student's current enrollment and use "400: Compulsory age student, stopped attending" as the Exit Reason. Then add a new enrollment with the 8300-enrollment type. The student's grade level will remain the same for the remainder of the current school year.

If the student is still compulsory age (16 or younger) in the next school year, enroll them in the new school year using the 8300 Enrollment type, use the district level provider with "Is Placed" enabled, and "Unknown" as the grade level.

Question: Are Regents Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS) Algebra I Course and Examination in SchoolTool?

ANSWER: Yes. NERIC recommends you take the following steps now to ensure reporting is correct for this and future years:

NYSED MEMO "Implementation Schedule for New Regents Examinations in Mathematics, Science, and English Language Arts"

Question: Where do we add information for the Partner Project Program Fact DW export?

ANSWER: Partner Project Program Fact information is added the in the same place the P-Tech and Smart Scholars were entered previously. On a student record - Census > Student Tab > choose Other in the Enrollment dropdown menu. Records started in a previous school year must be ended (use no later than 6/30/2022 as an end date). Start a new record or edit a record that was started this school year and add the following information as required.

The Partner Project Program Fact records can be added in Batch in Census > Batch Program Services > Batch Add Program Service > Other.  Complete the entry by adding all the same information as you did for an individually added record.  

Question: How do I report the student’s County of Residence?

ANSWER: The County of Residence will export depending on the Primary Parent’s district of residence.  Your district of residence in SchoolTool has a default County of Residence. To determine your default County of Residence, go to Maintenance > District > District Options.  The County of Residence will be other than the default if the student’s primary parent is from another district.

Question: Where do I enter the Post-Grad Plan for exiting PTECH and Smart Scholar students?

ANSWER: Individually in the student record by searching the student in Counseling > Notes Tab – select Post Graduate Plan or Batch Add in Counseling > Batch Post Grad Plan.  Only students with one of the Program Service records for P-TECH or Smart Scholars will export to DW.

Question: A user is having trouble logging in.  What should I check?


DROP/WITHDRAW/SWITCH - what is the difference when I change a student schedule?


When a course is dropped, the course is removed from the student schedule. The course information (all progress report and marking period grades) will remain on the Counseling > Grades tab (Show Dropped Classes checkbox at bottom). The course will not appear on report cards after the marking period in which it was dropped. Nor will it be seen on permanent records or transcripts. A Drop is intended to suppress a course as though it did not happen.


A withdraw is typically chosen when a student is unable to continue the course or finished early, but should get credit for any accomplishments to date. You can withdraw a student from a course at any time. If the course is withdrawn after a marking period ends, any submitted marking period grades will remain and continue to print on the report card. The marking period during which the student was withdrawn may not show a grade, but may instead display a district-designated withdraw code (e.g. W ABS (withdraw–absent), WP (withdraw pass), WF (withdraw fail), etc.).


Use a switch when a student is moving from one section of a course to another section of the SAME course. A switch can only be used when changing sections in the same course. For example, if a student is scheduled in section 1, period 1 of a course and needs to be moved to section 2, period 2 you would use a switch. When switching from one section of a course to another section, all grades (marking period and progress report) from the original section will switch to the new section. The switch creates a seamless continuation of the grades without gaps. Students switched to a new section that is taught by the same teacher can have their grade book assignments imported into the new section as well. Once the switch is made, history of the original section remains and can be seen in Counseling > Course History.

Where do I find settings for reports like Transcripts, Report Cards, and Mailing Labels?

To verify report settings, go to Maintenance > Application > Report Format.

Regents and Other Assessments

How do I manage Special Appeals?

Following NYS guidelines, there is a new Special Appeal process for students who passed a Regents course and scored between a 50 - 64 on the Regents Exam. SchoolTool has created a best practice workflow for districts to assist with entering this information for students whose Special Appeal has been approved. Use an Assessment Note to show a Special Appeal (SA) on the student's transcript while still reporting the actual numeric Regents score to NYS.

Managing Special Appeals in SchoolTool

Questions on reporting requirements should be directed to the NERIC Data Warehouse team at 518-862-5409 or 

NYS Digital Access Survey

Question. How do I see what records are completed for this School Year’s NYS Digital Access Survey?  
ANSWER – NERIC has created a custom export called Digital Access Checklist. The filters may need to be adjusted to pull this school year's data.

Question. How do I populate new NYS Digital Access Survey records?

ANSWER - See below for two options to create new User Defined Screen records on students for the NYS Digital Access Survey.

Option 1) HOME > BATCH USER DEFINED: Use the following link to download the How To document: Creating Annual Digital Resource Records

Option 2) IMPORT A FILE: Select the “Digital Resource Downloads” link available from the Document Library. Follow the directions in the "DigResource_ImportToSchoolTool_Template" to create a file and import to SchoolTool for all students.

    NOTE: Digital Resource surveys are due January 26, 2024 for the 2023-2024 school year. Related: NYSED Reporting Timeline

Question: How can I populate missing NYS Digital Access Survey records?

ANSWER - We recommend using the Level 0 'Missing Surveys' report to determine which students lack a reported survey for the current school year.  To obtain this report, contact the NERIC Data Warehouse team at 518-862-5409 or 

Option 1) HOME > BATCH USER DEFINED: Export the Level 0 Missing Surveys student list and create a notepad file with just the student IDs listed (exactly as they are entered in SchoolTool).  In SchoolTool, select Home > Batch User Defined and Batch Add survey records using the “From File” advanced search criteria. NOTE that you may need to add the District or Enrollment History criteria to ensure all students are found. 

Option 2) IMPORT A FILE: Use the Level 0 Missing Surveys report and select the “Digital Resource Downloadslink available from the Document Library. Follow the directions in the "DigResource_ImportToSchoolTool_Template" to create a file and import to SchoolTool for only those students.

Question: What date do I use for the End Date of the NYS Digital Access Survey?

ANSWER - When importing or using the Batch User Defined, leave the End Date field empty (aka 'Current') until the end of the School Year if possible.  Otherwise, use the date you entered the record on the student, or a date in the past during the current school year.

When the export is run, it will use the most recent NYS Digital Access Survey record for each student. Note that UDS records will only be included in the export if they have an End Date or if at least one question has been answered (even if the record does not have an end date). In cases where students have multiple UDS, the record with the most recent end date will be used.

This quick (3 minute) video demonstrates how to use Home > Batch User Defined to input the End Date: How to END Digital Resource Survey Records 

When the “Show in Mobile App” checkbox is enabled (recommended), the End Date is automatically updated depending on how it was submitted

Questions on reporting requirements should be directed to the NERIC Data Warehouse team at 518-862-5409 or

Google Classroom

Google Classroom Integration Guides:

Mindex - Sync Rosters to Google Classroom

Mindex - Import Assignments from Google Classroom

NERIC Teacher Guide on Roster Sync and Assignment Import

Google Sign-In and Google Classroom Recorded Webinar:

Google Classroom Integration Troubleshooting

Students must have an email in SchoolTool that is part of the district's G Suite for Education domain. 

Distance Learning students who may have a different school email in SchoolTool will not sync.

If a teacher received the following Error message after clicking the Roster Sync icon: “Error processing request: An item with the same key has already been added”

Not all students have GSuite email addresses, so need to enter the missing emails

Only Assignments and Quiz Assignments in Google Classroom can be imported to SchoolTool. NOT Questions or any other “Classwork” in Google Classroom.

Assignment Scores must be "Returned" in Google Classroom before they can be imported into SchoolTool.

Currently, there are two methods to copy an assignment from one Google Classroom to another: "Reuse assignment" and "Add Assignment to additional classrooms".  For the purposes of importing assignments to SchoolTool, we recommend using the "Add assignment to additional classrooms" method.

If using the "Reuse assignment" method and the assignment has already been imported into one SchoolTool grade book, then it cannot be imported to any other SchoolTool grade books.

If SchoolTool Google Classroom features were functional before, but now all users receive an error (e.g. "configuration error" or similar) when trying to use roster sync or assignment import, it is recommended to review the G-Suite service account created during the implementation of the SchoolTool Google Classroom feature. The Service Account must be both active and designated as Super Admin for SchoolTool Google Classroom features to function correctly.

In the Grade Book, when I click the G icon, there is nothing to select (it is grayed out and blank). What do I do?

Either the SchoolTool Roster has not been linked to Google, in which case Sync the Roster, then import the grades 

OR the SchoolTool Roster is linked to a Google Classroom that is archived. In this case, unlink the roster then sync to the correct Google Classroom. Classes cannot be synced to courses that are archived.

Google Classroom Known Issues/Bugs

Bug 149149:  Google Classroom assignments with Video Attachments will not import assignment grades

Workaround: Remove video prior to importing assignments

Bug 149685:  Apostrophe in student's SchoolTool Email does not allow the Roster Sync to add the student to the Google Classroom

Workaround: Remove the apostrophe from the student email