NERIC SchoolTool Team
☃️December Newsletter ☃️
Holiday Closures
❄️Tuesday, December 24, 2024- Closed
⛄Wednesday, December 25, 2024- Closed
🎁Tuesday, December 31, 2024- Closed
🌲Wednesday, January 1, 2024- Closed
⬇️ Please see the step-by-step instructions below ⬇️
**Don't forget to enable submit/descriptor/standard progress period grades for PR2**
(to be added with the Mindex update at the end of November)
**The January Geometry regents is for the: 'Regents Common Core Geometry' assessment (305). Many districts manually enter January regents scores rather than linking to the course. We recommend ensuring that the June 'Regents Geometry' (705) assessment is linked to the course in the Course Catalog to reflect the June 2025 regents.**
✅December Checklist Items✅
Don't forget to get ready for the new year!
Digital Resource Data is Due in JANUARY!
Go to the Frequently Asked Questions page and scroll down to "NYS Digital Access Survey" for directions on ending last year's records and creating new records for 2024-2025.
🪲Bug fixes included in 11/12/24 update🐛
Mindex has provided an update for the Grading Application. This update includes the following changes:
Fix for 80299: When assuming a teacher's account, the user will not receive an error when accessing the new grade book.
Fix for 80045: Users will no longer receive the following message when accessing the Grading Application - "Sorry, something went wrong. If the problem persists, contact support.".
Enhancements to Grading Screens:
Search Short Name in the Grade Book Editor Standard View: When using the Standard View in the Grade Book Editor, the short name can now be searched in addition to searching text in the wording of the standard.
Consistent and Clarified Language: In the new grade book the word "scores" is used to refer to assignment and/or standard scores. The word "grades" is used to refer to any grades submitted on a submit screen.
Assignment Descriptors/Standards tab empty state update: Updated the wording of the empty state to remove the reference to the subject when no subjects are checked for a course and "Course Mapped" is selected in the "Filter By" drop-down.
"Compare With" filter update: On the Submit Descriptor/Standard Marking Period Grades screen, when prior marking periods are chosen in the "Compare With" filter, the selected items will be listed below the filter with a red X to allow easy removal of the filter.
December Interactive Webinar Schedule
MON DEC 2 - JAN 3 @ 5:00 PM [MINDEX On-Demand WEB]
Deep-Dive: Alternate Enrollment Release Feature
THU DEC 5, 10-11:30 [WEB]
SchoolTool Rollover - Next Year Scheduling Prep Overview
WED DEC 11, 9-10 [MINDEX Open Webinar]
New Grade Book: Syncing with Google Classroom & Schoology
TUE DEC 17, 11-12 [WEB]
SchoolTool Custom Exports - Using Column Formulas
WED DEC 18, 2-3 [MINDEX Open Webinar]
New Grade Book: Syncing with Google Classroom & Schoology
Check out our brand-new On-Demand videos
Don't forget about our
Teacher Page!
Happy Holidays from your Schooltool Team!
PHONE: 844-696-3742 opt. 2 or 518-862-5454
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