NERIC SchoolTool Team
January 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to 2024!
January Graduates
January Graduates
To manage your January graduates, review these areas.
Maintenance > Counseling > Graduation Date
Add the correct date to have the ability to add it to the student's enrollment record.
Maintenance > District > Principal List
Review and update information.
Submit Screens Feature Flags
Maint > District > District Options
Be sure to review the new feature flags for the submit screens available to enable.
Under new feature access, there are eight options from which to choose including submit midterm grades and final exam grades.
NEW Known Issues Page on Online Support Center
SchoolTool Known Issues
Please visit the new page on the Online Support Center regarding known issues. We will continue to update this with relevant information. To visit the page, click HERE.
Course Selections, Ways to Add
Single Method - Scheduling > Course Selection
Batch Method - Scheduling > Selection Maintenance
By Department
Select the desired courses by going into each department individually. Save your selections.
By List View
Use list view to see all the courses available in that course catalog. Checkmark the desired courses and click save.
By Course ID
If you know the course IDs, enter them in one line and add them to the student's selection screen. Reminder, leave one space in between course IDs in the list and there must be no spaces in the course ID for the save operation to function correctly.
Queue Setup
Maintenance > Application > Queue Setup
Reminder to our users to check this screen any time the quarter ends and the new quarter begins. Click on the rerun error jobs button. This will clear the existing errors and provide accurate calculations.
Training Sessions & Webinars
- January -
TUE JAN 9, 10-11 [WEB]
Rollover - Next Year Scheduling Prep
FRI JAN 12, 10-11 [WEB]
FRI JAN 19, 9-11 [WEB]
THU JAN 25, 10-11 [WEB]
Rollover - Next Year Scheduling Prep
MINDEX On-Demand Webinar
DEC 1, 8 AM - JAN 5, 5PM [MINDEX on Demand Webinar]
DEC 1, 8 AM - JAN 5, 5PM [MINDEX on Demand Webinar]
TUE JAN 2, 8AM - FEB 2, 5PM [Mindex On-Demand Webinar]
PHONE: 844-696-3742 opt. 2 or 518-862-5454
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