NERIC SchoolTool Team

October 2022 Newsletter

Thank you for attending this year's user group!

NERIC SchoolTool User Groups 

The Albany User Group is now scheduled for Oct 19th. The Lake Placid User Group will be Oct 20th. If you have already registered, there is no need to register again. If you need to register, please use the following links.

  Albany: Wed Oct 19, 2022 Sign up HERE                                                       Lake Placid: Thu Oct 20, 2022 Sign up HERE


Progress Reports:

Progress Report time is right around the corner. With all of the scheduling changes that were performed over the summer, we highly suggest districts test their Progress Reports by running them in advance. This is especially true for any district using Custom Progress Reports. If you need any assistance in testing your Progress Reports, please contact us. We are happy to help!

Prepare for Marking Period Grading:


Census > Reports > CRDC and BEDS Breakdown

The CRDC and BEDS Breakdown view and report provide totals on male/female breakdowns, as well as additional breakdown options for Ethnicity/Race, Grade, and 504/LEP, allowing users to more quickly and easily locate information required for BEDS reporting.

Emailing or Leaving a Message for 

SchoolTool Support?

Did You Know?

We can import your students' 3-8 assessments into your SchoolTool database! 

Simply send us an email asking to have your district's 3-8 assessment scores loaded into SchoolTool. 

We Can Upload Your Students’ Photos to SchoolTool

October Training Sessions and Webinars

NERIC Training Sessions

Tue Oct 4, 10-11:30  [WEB]

School Counselor Overview

Fri Oct 7, 10-11  [WEB]

Dashboards Overview

Thu Oct 13, 10:30-12:00  [WEB]

SchoolTool Data Warehouse Overview

Thu Oct 13, 1-2  [WEB]

SchoolTool Security

Fri Oct 14,  10-11  [WEB]

SchoolTool Foundations

Fri Oct 14, 1-2 PM  [WEB]

Building Administrator Overview

Mindex Open Webinars

Progress Reports

This webinar will focus on Progress Reports in SchoolTool, including how teachers can submit grades and comments, reporting options, and key maintenance areas to assist users with troubleshooting potential issues. 

Wednesday, October 5 from 9 - 10 AM 

Wednesday, October 12 from 2 - 3 PM 

Mailing Labels

In this webinar we will discuss generating mailing labels, configuring recipient lists, and creating custom mailing labels.

Wednesday, October 19 from 9 - 10 AM 

Wednesday, October 26 from 2 - 3 PM 


PHONE:   844-696-3742 opt. 2  or 518-862-5454


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