NERIC SchoolTool Team
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
July Reminders
Correct Class Of
Review & fix the student's Class Of field. Use Advanced Search criteria called "Class Of" to review these student lists.
Offset Reminder
Maintenance > Counseling > Building School Level Options > Schedule Offset. When done with Auto Grade Advancement, be sure to put the number back to ZERO. Save the screen.
Publish Dates
Maintenance > Scheduling > Yearly Building School Level Options, date fields which will be respected regarding portals, faculty schedules & teacher rosters. Be sure to enter the correct dates!
2022 Fall User Groups - Registration is Open!
Lake Placid, NY
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Albany, NY
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Census Tip!
How to handle former students who are now PARENTS?
Move the former student out of their household address.
This breaks the primary connection.
Move the former student/now parent into the new address.
Connect the parent contact to the child & make the parent the primary contact.
2022-2023 Trainings & Training Sites
2022-2023 NERIC SchoolTool Training Calendar
Registration is now open for our 2022-23 trainings from the Trainings at-a-Glance page!
Review the offerings and sign up through MLP. Encourage new staff to sign up as well.
Note the training location! We have both in-person and webinar sessions this year.
Training Sites Reminder
Users can call or email support and request their training site be updated. This places a mirror-image of your live site onto the training site ( which can be used for experimenting with SchoolTool processes without affecting any live data.
Upcoming Trainings
NERIC Trainings
FRI JUL 1, 9-3:15 [ALB]
Grade Advancement On Site at Albany
FRI JUL 1, 9-1 [SLL]
Grade Advancement On Site at SLL BOCES
TUE and WED JUL 5-6, 9-12 [PLT]
Grade Advancement Part 1 & 2 On Site at Plattsburgh
THU JUL 7, 9-3, [MAL]
Grade Advancement On Site at Malone
TUE JUL 12, 9-10, [Web]
TUE JUL 12, 10-11:15 [Web]
THU JUL 14, 10-11 [Web]
WED JUL 20, 9-12, [PLT]
Registrar and Census On Site at Plattsburgh
THU JUL 21, 10-11:30 [Web]
Elementary Scheduling Beginner
TUE JUL 26, 9-12 [ALB]
Elementary Scheduling Work Session On Site at Albany
FRI JUL 29, 10-11 [Web]
PHONE: 844-696-3742 opt. 2 or 518-862-5454
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